a new idea - capture the zones

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a new idea - capture the zones

Post by Zehra »

Hi all,

It's me again.
I'm thinking on an idea for a new game mode.(Still isn't fully completed, but would love to have feedback on it.)

So instead of capturing a flag, how about capturing zones in the game?
If by taking over all the zones, it's a win.
The zones could be highlighted by objects and use world weapons to indicate which team has taken control of the zone.
So if a green tank takes over the zone, a green world weapon keeps firing to let others know that the zone has been taken by green.
A zone doesn't need to be captured by dropping a flag or whatever, but just needs a tank to drive close enough to it.
The zones world weapon changes color to indicate that it has been taken over by the team color of the tank.
If there's two tanks of different teams are at the same zone, it remains the same color it originally was, until one of the tanks kills the other.
It then changes the zones world weapon to the team player which remains alive.
Tanks do not need to remain at the zone to capture it.(otherwise game play is impossible.)
So for a team to win, they just need all world weapons at capture zones to be firing the same color of the team.
This takes an interesting new concept of game play, since it basically is team play and also is ffa.

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Re: a new idea - capture the zones

Post by trpted »


Guessing: Will have to be done with the help of a plug-in.
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Re: a new idea - capture the zones

Post by JeffM »

This is a very common game mode in the vast majority of online shooter games. It is very fun, and a well known game mode.
It has been known also as, Control, Control Points, Capture Points, Domination, etc...

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Re: a new idea - capture the zones

Post by Zehra »

It would be nice to see this added as a game mode to BZFlag.

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Re: a new idea - capture the zones

Post by JeffM »

You would do this as a plugin, it would be relatively easy. It'd be a variant of CTF, where the flags were specifically spawned and the plug-in manually set the team score.
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Re: a new idea - capture the zones

Post by trpted »

The closest thing to what is being talked about, I point to Plug-in Releases -> All Hands On Deck (AHOD)

Capture the flag, bring it to the neutral base, and all of your other team mates must be also be at that base (zone) for a win.
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Re: a new idea - capture the zones

Post by Zehra »

Adding flags wouldn't work so well I think.
Since flag placements would probably be very difficult to work out well.
I'm not sure if it even is possible to load team flags in FFA game mode, which is what capture the zones would need to work.
If there's a simple workaround for adding flags to capture the zones, it makes it less like capture the zones and more like capture the flag.


EDIT: See next post for details on game play and game modes.
Last edited by Zehra on Wed Apr 26, 2017 7:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: a new idea - capture the zones

Post by Zehra »

I think this might help highlight the differences from game modes.

So I don't think a fork of a plug-in would make it easy to apply Capture the Zones as a game mode.

The main differences from CTF and AHOD from Capture The Zones are listed below:
Capture The Flag:
Flag Based: Game play is flag based and requires control of flags to win the game.
Capture Based: Flags must be taken to bases to win at this game mode.
All Hands On Deck:
Base based: Players must hold the bases to win at this game mode.
Holding Based: All players from a team must hold the base to win at this game mode.
Capture The Zones:
Zone Based: Players work on controlling zones to win at this game mode.
Takeover Based: Zones must be taken over to win and by complete takeover of zones is considered a win.

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Re: a new idea - capture the zones

Post by Zehra »

So far the main issue with capture the zones:

I'm not sure how to fix team scores in FFA game mode, since capture the zones is based on zone captures and not player scores.
This can be done via a plug-in and I have some ideas of what might work.
But I'm not sure on how to work the scores since it can be fixed, but unsure of how it can it be fixed and allow adjusting too.
I'd like the scores to remain 0, unless a zone capture happens, which in that case the score is increased by the amount of zone captures.
So I'm not sure what would be a good workaround or solution to the team score issue.

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Re: a new idea - capture the zones

Post by JeffM »

there is an api function to set the team score. this mode as a plug-in would be very easy.
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Re: a new idea - capture the zones

Post by Zehra »

I read about those functions:
1. bz_getTeamWins
2. bz_setTeamWins
3. bz_incrementTeamWins
4. bz_getTeamLosses
5. bz_setTeamLosses
6. bz_incrementTeamLosses
7. bz_resetTeamScores
8. bz_getTeamScore

So on second thought, CTF might work.
I did find a plug-in which might be able to fix spawning.
(If it's possible to set spawns outside of bases and put team flags and bases outside the world.)
So team scores can be worked out more easily.
The plug-in logic can be much simpler now. (This only leaves a few things to be finished in the design.)

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