Help with a custom map server

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Help with a custom map server

Post by BJSullivan »

Hello everyone,

I am having a problem hosting a server and I think I know what the problem is, I just don't know how to fix it.

I can start a server just fine from withing the game when I select "random map" and my other computer can join without a problem. I placed the maps I downloaded (I haven't made any of my own) into the \My BZFlag Files\worlds folder and I can select the maps from within the start server option in the game, but the server does not seem to start and neither of my computers can connect, but they both connect with a random map(but it's always the same default map).

Someone told me the problem is that custom maps that do not have all 4 bases will not load correctly. I'm not sure if this is true, but I suppose it is possible. If this is true, my question is "Does anyone know how to bypass this?" My next question is "If it is possible to play a custom map that does not have all the bases, is it possible to load it from within the game menu and not my updating a config file?" I'm brand new to BZFlag so I have very little knowledge about it. If anyone can help me out in anyway I would appreciate it. Thank you very much!
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Re: Help with a custom map server

Post by blast »

The BZFlag server in 2.0.x expects a valid -mp setting (which controls how many players can be on each team) be passed for CTF games that do not have all 4 teams' bases. If you want to use the Start Server menu, you can modify the map to include a valid -mp setting.

The values of -mp are 6 numbers separated by commas, and in this order: rogue,red,green,blue,purple,observer

So let's say the map in question is a red vs green map. To make it possible to run, open up the map file in Notepad (or whatever plain-text editor you have) and add this to the top of the file:

Code: Select all

-mp 0,5,5,0,0,5
That would provide 0 rogues, 5 red, 5 green, 0 blue, 0 purple, and 5 observers.
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