Error starting map! Please HELP!!!

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lol_u died

Error starting map! Please HELP!!!

Post by lol_u died »

Hey guys... Im using Windows Xp SP3 and I have already got my map file and config file ready to go and when I tried starting the map i keep getting this error please help me! and I tried port fowarding to 5154 in my linksys router..

This is what the error comes up in the CMD.
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Naveed Moein>cd C:\Program Files\BZFlag2.0.10

C:\Program Files\BZFlag2.0.10>bzfs -conf "C:\map1\config.conf"
set variable: _tankSpeed = 25.000000
using team flag timeout of 30 seconds
require UDP clients!
using group file "C:\map1\groupdb.txt"
using spam time of 15
using spam warn amount of 4
bad argument "\map1\reports.txt""
BZFlag server (protocol 0026)
Copyright (c) 1993 - 2007 Tim Riker

Usage: bzfs [-a <vel> <rot>] [-adminlagannounce <time>] [-admsg <text>] [-adv
ertise <group>] [-autoTeam] [-b] [-badwords <filename>] [-ban ip{,ip}*]
[-banfile <filename>] [-c] [-cache <url>] [-cacheout <filename>] [-conf
<filename>] [-cr] [-d] [-density <num>] [-disableBots] [+f {good|<id>}] [-f {bad
|<id>}] [-fb] [-filterCallsigns] [-filterChat] [-filterSimple] [-g] [-gndtex <te>] [-groupdb <group>] [-h] [-handicap] [-helpmsg <file> <name>] [
-i interface] [-j] [-jitterdrop <num>] [-jitterwarn <time>] [-lagannounce <ti>] [-lagdrop <num>] [-lagwarn <time>] [-loadplugin <pluginname>] [-masterBanURL <URL>] [-maxidle <time>] [-mp {<count>|[<count>][,<count>]
[,<count>][,<count>][,<count>][,<count>]}] [-mps <score>] [-ms <shots>] [-mts <s>] [-noMasterBanlist] [-noradar] [-p <port>] [-packetlossdrop <num>] [-packe
tlosswarn <%>] [-passdb <password>] [-passwd <password>] [-pidfile <filenam>] [-poll <variable>=<value>] [-printscore] [-public <server>] [-pu
blicaddr <server>[:<server>]] [-publiclist <list>] [-q]
[+r] [-rabbit [score|killer|random]] [-recbuf <Mbytes>] [-recbufonly] [-recdir
<dirname>] [-replay] [-reportfile <filename>] [-reportpipe <filename>] [-require
udp] [+s <flag>] [-s <flag>] [-sa] [-sb] [-set <name> <value>] [-set
forced <name> <value>] [-sl <id> <num>] [-spamtime <time>] [-spamwarn <warnAmt>]
[-speedtol <tolerance>] [-srvmsg <text>] [-st <time>] [-sw <num>] [-synctime] [
-synclocation] [-t] [-tftimeout <seconds>] [-time <seconds>] [-timemanual] [-tk]
[-tkannounce] [-tkkr <percent>] [-ts [micros]] [-userdb <user>
] [-vars <filename>] [-version] [-world <filename>] [-worldsize <world>] [-
ws <number>]

C:\Program Files\BZFlag2.0.10>

and this is my config file

# Config file for "Heaven and Hell on Earth by lol_u died"


-password ****Not telling :P******

-a 50 38

## World ##

# This specifies the world filename.
# (Windows Format)
-world "c:\map1\map1.bzw"

## Game Styles ##

# This enables capture-the-flag style game.

# This sets the maximum number of shots before a reload.
-ms 6

# This makes most shots ricochet.

# This option allows jumping.

# This option allows for flags on box buildings.

# This option allows tanks to spawn on buildings.

# Announce team kills to the admin channel.

# Kick a player if his ratio of teammate to non-teammate kills is this
# percentage or greater.
-tkkr 32

# This option allows you to tell the server how long a team flag remains
# before it is reset after the last player on a team leaves.
-tftimeout 30

# This dumps the score to console when it changes.

## List server Connection ##

# This is the public message that the server advertises on the public
# server list. This is required if you want to be shown on the list.
# It often advertises the map you are using. Keep it short.
-public "HEAVEN AND HELL ON EARTH BY: lol_u died"

# This is also needed to be listed on the public server list. The
# address needs to be valid in DNS.

# The server will listen on this port. Default port is 5154.
-p 5154

## Player Connections ##

# This requires clients to use UDP (a good thing). This will generally
# make the server behave better, and make play more smooth.
# This will kick players who are unable to establish a UDP connection
# when they attempt to fire.

# Automatically assigns players to teams when they join so that teams are
# evenly matched in number of players. Players are placed on teams with
# lowest number of players first, then those with the lowest scores or
# kill ratios.

# This allows for max player by team.
# The order is rogue, red, green, blue, purple, observer.
#-mp 0,10,0,10,0,10

# If you use the BZFlag forums at
# and have established groups there, you only need groupdb
# Though local registrations can also be used.
# groupdb stores group to permission mappings.
-groupdb "C:\map1\groupdb.txt"

# This option kicks the user after they have been idle for a number of
# seconds. Idle means paused, not-spawning or not-responding.
-maxidle 300

# This option warns the user their lag is too high when it crosses the
# number of milliseconds set.
-lagwarn 350

# This option kicks players after they have been warned about high lag for
# a certain number of times.
-lagdrop 5

# Packetloss and Jitter are two different things.
# Packetloss is a percentage of total data being completely lost.
# A player with packetloss is usually downloading files, switching
# between applications, or simply has a bad connection.
# Jitter is variation in the time between packets arriving, caused by network
# congestion, timing drift, or route changes.
# A player with jitter may be purposely manipulating his lag to avoid
# being shot, or to "lag through a wall".
# These next four functions should be used with caution, slower servers
# may wish to avoid using them altogether.

# This option warns the user their packet loss is too high.
-packetlosswarn 4

# This option kicks players after they have been warned about packet loss
# a certain number of times.
-packetlossdrop 3

# This option warns the user their jitter is too high when it crosses
# the number of milliseconds set.
-jitterwarn 25

# This option kicks players after they have been warned about high
# jitter for a certain number of times.
-jitterdrop 5

# This option tells the server where to store the ban list. The ban list will
# be loaded from this file when the server starts (if the file exists) and
# written back to the file when someone gets banned or unbanned. If this
# option isn't used the ban list will not be saved.
#-banfile /path/to/mybanfile.txt

# This option sets up your ban list. This is ip masks separated by commas.
# The * character is used as a wild card in range bans.
#-ban ",10.10.2.*,10.2.*.*"

## General Options ##

# adds timestamps to every line of the log

# -pidfile /path/to/pidfile.txt
# Specify a file where the server will write its process ID so it may be used for remote administration.

# This is the server welcome message. Please change it.
-srvmsg " Welcome to Heaven and Hell on Earth By: lol_u died! "
-srvmsg " Have Fun and Play Nice, obey rules, admins are here to inforce the peace! "
-srvmsg " Special Thanks to Cobra_Fast for hosting this map! Make sure you connection to germany is good. We will be checking for lags. "
-srvmsg " Please use /vote ban or /vote kick to inforce peace if no admin is available"

# Define a message which will be broadcast to all players every 15 minutes.
-admsg " Welcome to Heaven and Hell on Earth By: lol_u died! "
-admsg " Have Fun and Play Nice, obey rules, Special Thanks to Cobra_Fast for hosting this map! Make sure you connection to germany is good. We will be checking for lags"

# This sets the amount of time in seconds that is required to pass between
# two identical messages sent.
-spamtime 15

# This sets the amount of times to warn spammers (see -spamtime) before they
# are kicked.
-spamwarn 4

# Specify a file that contains bad words that will be used when
# either -filterCallsigns or -filterChat is enabled.
# A multilingual badwords file can be found in source downloads.
-badwords "C:\map1\badword.txt"

# Turn on the filtering of chat messages. Messages have words provided
# via a -badwords file are replaced with !@#$%^&* characters.

# Turn on the filtering of callsigns. Callsigns are compared against
# bad words provided via -badwords.

# By default, all filtering is aggressive, matching much more than what
# is strictly listed in a -badwords file for convenience. Providing this
# option will make the -filterCallsigns and -filterChat comparisons
# exact match only.

# This forces all clients to use the same time of day. The time is
# determined by the server's clock. This disables the + and - keys
# on the clients.

## Player Controlled Functions ##

# You can specify a file so that people can type /report to report problems
# on the server. The reports are logged in this file.
-reportfile "C"\map1\reports.txt"

# You can also use this option to cause the /report to trigger a command
# as well as, or instead of, logging to a file.
#-reportpipe command

# This specifies the number of seconds in which a poll can be vetoed.
#-vetoTime 60

# This specifies the percentage of people required for a successful vote.
-votePercentage 50

# This is the number of voters required to hold a poll.
-votesRequired 5

# This is the length of time that players have to vote.
#-voteTime 60

## Flags ##

# This option allows for antidote flags to be available for players who
# get bad flags.

# This allows you to limit the number of shots from a particular flag.
#-sl GM 15
#-sl L 15

# There are two sets of flags. Flags that must be in the world at all times
# and flags that may get generated randomly. in addition. +f specifies flags that
# must be there and -f specifies flags the should never be generated.

# The server will randomly place flags from the following list.
# To be sure there is at least a certain amount of a flag on the map
# at any given time, you can use the +f option to guarantee a certain
# number of a flag.

# Good Flags
+f A{3} # Agility
+f CL{5} # Cloaking
+f F{6} # rapid Fire
+f G{1} # Genocide
+f GM{3} # Guided Missile
+f IB{4} # Invisible Bullett
+f L{2} # Laser
+f MG{1} # Machine Gun
+f N{3} # Narrow
+f OO{3} # Oscillation Overthruster
+f PZ{4} # Phantom Zone
+f QT{5} # QuickTurn
+f SB{4} # Super Bullet
+f SE{4} # Seer
+f SH{3} # SHield
+f SR{2} # SteamRoller
+f ST{5} # STealth
+f SW{2} # ShockWave
+f T{3} # Tiny
+f TH{2} # THeif
+f US{2} # USeless
+f V{3} # Velocity (high speed)
+f WG{4} # WinGs

+f BY{1} # BouncY
+f M{1} # Momentum
+f NJ{1} # No Jumping
+f O{1} # Obesity
+f TR{1} # TRigger happy
+f WA{1} # Wide Angle

## Variables ##

# Server variables can also be modified in-game using
# /set _varName value
# View the entire variable list by using
# /set (with nothing afterward) lists all vars
# /diff will list most non-default settings
# /? will list other available commands

# Here are a few examples of variables.
# Some variables are set to 0 for off, 1 for on.
#-set _obeseFactor 12
-set _skyColor Black
-set _wingsJumpCount 500
-set _tankExplosionSize 70
-set _jumpVelocity 30
#-set _squishTime 7
-set _mirror Black
#-set _wallHeight 2
#-set _shotsKeepVerticalVelocity 1
#-set _drawGround 1
#-set _drawSky 1
#-set _drawClouds 0
#-set _drawMountains 0
#-set _fogMode exp
#-set _fogColor black
#-set _fogDensity .01
#-set _rainType bubble

## Plugins ##

# Plugins have mostly superseded patches as a means of modifying
# the play of BZFlag servers. Recent improvements in the bzfs2.0.9 have enabled
# almost every server functionality to be modified with the plugin API.
# Plugins cannot be accessed unless you compile your plugins and
# bzfs binary with the option --enable-shared
#-loadplugin /path/to/playHistoryTracker

Please Help! Thanks very much!
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Post by macsforme »

Read the error message. You're going to need to get used to diagnosing problems based on the given error messages.

Code: Select all

bad argument "\map1\reports.txt""

Code: Select all

# You can specify a file so that people can type /report to report problems
# on the server. The reports are logged in this file.
-reportfile "C"\map1\reports.txt"
See the problem?
lol_u died

Post by lol_u died »

So constitution... the reason why it didn't work is because there is extra " " in the config file correct?
lol_u died

Post by lol_u died »

OK I fixed the problem and it seemed to go through but now I have this error look.... (CMD TEXT)
C:\Program Files\BZFlag2.0.10>bzfs -conf C:\map1\config.conf
set variable: _tankSpeed = 25.000000
using team flag timeout of 30 seconds
require UDP clients!
using group file "C:\map1\groupdb.txt"
using spam time of 15
using spam warn amount of 4
set variable: _skyColor = Black
set variable: _wingsJumpCount = 500
set variable: _tankExplosionSize = 70
set variable: _jumpVelocity = 30
set variable: _mirror = Black
2008-05-21 23:15:31: LIBCURL version: libcurl/7.16.3-CVS c-ares/1.3.3-CVS
2008-05-21 23:15:31: warning: group definition "(null)" is missing
2008-05-21 23:15:31: warning: group definition "(null)" is missing
2008-05-21 23:15:31: warning: group definition "(null)" is missing
2008-05-21 23:15:31: warning: group definition "(null)" is missing
2008-05-21 23:15:31: warning: group definition "(null)" is missing
2008-05-21 23:15:31: ColDet Octree obstacles = 4032
2008-05-21 23:15:31: grid extent[0] = -374.924866, 425.075134
2008-05-21 23:15:31: grid extent[1] = -400.000000, 400.000000
2008-05-21 23:15:31: grid extent[2] = -14.909970, 785.090027
2008-05-21 23:15:31: world extent[0] = -301.000000, 351.150269
2008-05-21 23:15:31: world extent[1] = -400.000000, 400.000000
2008-05-21 23:15:31: world extent[2] = -14.909970, 510.000000
2008-05-21 23:15:31: ColDet Octree leaf nodes = 1257
2008-05-21 23:15:31: ColDet Octree total nodes = 1555
2008-05-21 23:15:31: ColDet Octree total elements = 10719
2008-05-21 23:15:31: Collision Octree processed in 0.108 seconds.
base was not defined for Green Team
ERROR: A world was not specified
This is the error I get.
ERROR: A world was not specified

I already have a map file so I dont know whats going on. Possibly wrold map damage? Or what please help and thanks a bunch![/quote]
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Post by F687/s »

Usually when you get this error it is a problem with the map file itself. If you're running a 2-team (or 3-team) CTF, this error seems to pop up more than usual. Try running the map with bzfs -world mymap.bzw and see if the error still pops up.
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Spazzy McGee
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Post by Spazzy McGee »

You're trying to set it up as a 4-way CTF server, but there is no green base.
base was not defined for Green Team
ERROR: A world was not specified
Either take out -c to make it FFA - or if you intended it to be a 2-team CTF, you need to only allow the teams of bases you have in the map file with -mp.
Just read your error messages - they normally tell you everything you need to know.

You also seem to have "warning: group definition "(null)" is missing", which means that you have a group installation that is not tied to a definition. Go through and find it.

Seriously, I commend you're trying the challenge of starting your first server, but you should be able to deduce some things for yourself. Read up on the wiki, look though previous forum posts. I find part of the fun is working out the answer for yourself.
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Post by blast »

lol_u died

Code: Select all

#-mp 0,10,0,10,0,10
Looks like you forgot to uncomment that line. Take out the #.
"In addition to knowing the secrets of the Universe, I can assure you that I am also quite potty trained." -Koenma (Yu Yu Hakusho)

lol_u died

Post by lol_u died »

blast wrote:lol_u died

Code: Select all

#-mp 0,10,0,10,0,10
Looks like you forgot to uncomment that line. Take out the #.

How Dumb of me :doh:
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