sound problems

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sound problems

Post by Ginku »

Hi guys,

my sound problem (under Linux) is an older one but annoying.
Only playing BZFlag I have a nice game sound but if I want to use another sound application (like a mp3-player or my new teamspeak prog) at the same time, the BZ-sound is blocked/unavailable. There is admittedly one exception: I can hear music cd's (with kscd) at the same time with BZFlag.

Any ideas, how to use teamspeak playing bz WITH SOUND ?



PS: The KDE soundserver artsd is no solution, the prog blocks bzflag sound by itself.
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Post by JeffM »

I beilve the OSS sound system that BZ uses does not support mixing sounds in software with other apps. It basicly takes over the entire device. I have heard that if you have a card with multiple hardware sound channels ( like a SB Live card ), you can get other apps to use it. I have also heard that if you use a sound driver system that emulates OSS that you may be able to get it to mix from multiple apps.

But this is a common problem people have with linux and sound.
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Audio CDs

Post by bryjen »

The actual playing of an audio CD (converting the digital bits to sound) happens all inside the CD drive. There's a cable that takes the sound directly from the drive to the sound card, which just mixes in with its output.
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