>:) I've made somthing

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>:) I've made somthing

Post by BIYA »

OKAY, for all you TRON fans out there (I hav'nt seen the movie myself.) I have made a LightCycle ;) So far I only have the bare white structure of it. It has some errors in it but so far its going good. Next im going to put Materials on it. (Black with a red pearlesent color to it and burple.) Heres a screenie and if you want the OBJ. ask me PRIVATLY.

*NOTE* As I said the bike isnt finised thats why there are still parts missing.
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Post by Guest »

:shock: :!:
Very very neat, Biya. Kudos to you!
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Post by I_Died_Once »

I propose this is what the next major release of BZ Flag's tank is modeled after.

Very nice, BIYA. I am most imporessed. With this and all the funky maps you make, I'd consider you a worthy contributor to the BZ FLag community.

Keep up the good work.
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Post by JeffM »

dude that's just a converted freeware model.
he didnt' make it
the model's been around the net for ages.
Mostly filling out old model reposiotrys like 3dcafe, amazing3d, turbrosquid.

the model is NOT GPL and can not be given that license by somone who just picked i up.

BIYA, you disapoint me. winks and hints don't cut it. Ether use real tallent and make something, or fess up and just say you did a conversion and give credit where credit is due.

Post by Guest »

I wondered why I thought I had seen it before even though i had no idea what it or tron is/was...
Maybe I shouldn't just give the benefit of the doubt as default. :(
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Post by BIYA »

I did'nt get it from the site.. I got it from a friend that I thought could help me with some of the editing that I wanted to do.. He gave me that mesh and told me to go at it.. I learned a few things, mostly on the material side. I did'nt know about the site till he told me about it. I always thought that there was a site where you could get some meshes for the game but I soon figured out that you had to pay for them and such so I did'nt bother with it.. He told me the sight and I was like "WOW need to tell the guys about this"... Then I figured out tha he got this from that site I HAD no idea that this was made by someone else..

But, as Jeff always says "All I have is the information on the site and a look alike there that maches yours, and I dont know if you got from the sight or a friend" I dont care aslong AS I KNOW what happened.... You all can think I did this I dont care.. But, as long as I know that some of the mappers I told this site to give credit to the creators..... I mean come on even if we get some of these objects into the game... Look: Car shows, StarWars battles, A SUB-WAY, a midevil war, castles, and COMMUNITY HOUSES!!!!

Ya'll can think what you want... Im sticking with to what I said and nothing more.. 8)

I'll ask him for the creators name and ill put it on this thread.. doubt he remembers anyway...

Nice rank name Jeff thanks.. Been asking you for one :lol-old:
Last edited by BIYA on Sun May 29, 2005 4:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by BIYA »

BTW the LightCycle is going to be deleted anyway.. Could'nt get it to be correct and be able to put materials on it without somthing going wrong if any of ya'll want it ill give the obj file to ya'll..
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Post by trepan »

Here's the 3dCafe link to what I think was the
source of your model:


This one comes from Disney, and so I'm not
sure about its license (but it looks good).


The gltron game also contains some OBJ
versions with different levels of detail (although
they suck by comparison).

Using properly licensed models is fine. Stating
that you "made" something that somebody else
created is wrong. It's lying, plain and simple.
Unlike Jeff, I am not disappointed, I'm disgusted.
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Post by Sir_Pants »

lol nice rank there biya...
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Post by JeffM »

you knew YOU didn't make it, even if you got it from a "friend", yet you say "look what I made". no mater how you spin it, your still a lying sack...

yes it's good to use prexisting models. But get permision first if the thing isn't GPL. "Free" dosn't mean you can do what ever you want with it. Free just means they don't want any money for it. They can and will put llimits on what you can do.

But this model, and most of them on "Free" sites like that are not made for real time games

That model has over 7000 triangles. That's more then most maps.

if you going to just convert stuff. just convert it, call it a conversion, be done with it Best would be if you actualy put some thought into it and got a decent real time model.

If you want to show peole where to get models to convert, then just show them where. Don't put on a smoke and lights show to make yourself look less inadiquate compared to the other map delvelopers who actualy know how to use 3d model tools.
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Post by BIYA »

I agree that I lied.. Everyone lies WHO CARES....

I noticed that after I seen the face count that this would never be in a map cause it was so big thats also another reason why I got rid of it.

Converting these models mostly have errors or missing faces if you noticed in the screenie. I have had a successful conversion though. I have in fact made a StarWars battle feild from this site and the creator of the 2 objects (I have emailed the creator but the email is terminated) The thing was like 5Mb.
Still Jeff I think this site might HELP us mappers alittle bit on understanding some things about our modelers and our models.... I have even thought of a way of making a simple car from what I have see on the LightCycle tires ;)
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Post by ducatiwannabe »

Everyone lies, that doesn't mean it's right. I don't think BIYA meant a lot of harm by doing this, but perhaps change it to looks what I've converted?
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Post by I_Died_Once »

Well, even converting it is a hell of a lot more than I know to do with it. I mean, even after running the bike through a converter, I'm sure a bit of work into it afterwards.

On another hand, I could take a map, edit it to hell and back, and turn around and say "Look at the map I made... (out of / from this other map) Point is its a matter of perspective.

BIYA made a BZ Flag "something" out of a non BZ Flag related something. Never never says he implicitly made it from scratch. He said that he has and is going to add to it.

To slap him with the rank "Model Theif" is a lame thing to do, especially when he was recently asking about a custom rank.

If I knew how to do it - I'd tick everyone off and create the Ultimate 80's map. It'd have a Monopoly board for ground, and it would have huge statues of He-Man, Optimus Prime, Darth Vader, Captain Caveman, Skeletor, and I don't even know who else. To say I created those characters would be one thing, but to say I created a map with all those characters would be another. It may be illegal as all get, but it'd be a cool map.

Has anyone ever been sued over a map?
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Post by JeffM »

it's not a legal issue.

it's the fact that he's is atempting to push work he did not do as his own. To make up for his lack of modeling skills.

THAT is lame.

Basicly he's just lost all respect of the people who would help him learn more.

If you made the map that'd be cool. If you had said you painstakingly modeled the characters, but had just grabed them from a model site, then it would be like this.