Verison 1.10.2 issues????

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Verison 1.10.2 issues????

Post by carerra »

Wow. Today I came home from school and went to see who was on. Started up like any other time except, out of the blue, it completely freaked. Everyone started "not responding" and the game started freezing. I havent run into this problem since version 1.10.2 and actually once in 1.10.6. I figured maybe reinstalling the client might help. There is another problem. I went to reinstall it, and then my download crashed. It completely stopped downloading. I tried the download over and over and still it kept crashing until the download didnt start at all....

....Could this be a problem with my system. I have a custom built computer that my father put together for me. It has a 1.8 gig processor and 256 ram. Gforce 2 max and 40 gig hard drive. I dont think this is the cause, but if anyone has help, it would be very nice!

I also am using Windows XP Home Edition. My programs seem to crash alot with is, no one should be using Windows. Linux all the way!!! Well atleast til Longhorn comes out ;-)
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Is either a fool or a coward
Whoever can not take care of himself without that law is both
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Post by the enemy »

Firstly, try other bzflag servers. It could have been a server problem that made everyone go NR.

Similarly try a different sourceforge mirror for your download. It could just be coincidence. I know from experience that some mirrors can be temperamental.

I use XP too (it's only useful for games, not real work), and don't generally have that many problems - a crash every few days or so which is better than previous windows versions.

Oh and if you think Longhorn will be a) on time, b) reliable, and c) fast on existing hardware, then I'd like to know who's writing it, because I thought it was Microsoft. And don't get me started on that "trusted computing" crap, etc.etc.etc.
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