Game Play Ideas

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Game Play Ideas

Post by happyhad »

I had a couple of ideas for game modes. I am not a C programmer, so not sure if possible with plugins. I know I certainly couldn't do it now:

I have made a map that looks like a football field. The end zones are the red and green bases. The sidelines are telporters. So you can shoot and drive through the sidelines. Two shots. Low bunny hop jumping. Its pretty fun.

What I would like to do is have one flag (football), instead of having two (red and green flag). So basically like a football game. Your moving the ball (flag) up and down the grid iron. You get tackled (shot) and fumble. Some other player picks it up - hopefully your team - and runs the ball to their endzone (base). You get a score when you drive it into the end zone. Kind of a tug a war game mode.

Probably need a spawn location for the start of the ball and after a score (50 yard line)

Along the sports theme. A game mode where a flag or some other object (ball) can be pushed or shot(pushed) around the board. If you get the "ball" into the goal (a base), you score a point.

Would need a spawn methodology for the ball after the score (mid field)

Tank Control Objects:
Splatoon seems to be a big hit for Nintendo. So the idea for Splatoon BZflag is to have objects that change the color of your tank when touched or run over. The objects could be like mesh objects (boxes).

So make a map of these boxes, like a chess board. You drive on top of all the boxes. As you drive over a box it changes your color. As the other team(s) drive over them, they change their color. They start off white (netural). Or you could define the starting color.

Or you could set up say 10 of these objects around a board. As you run into them they change colors.

You would have a victory condition that says you must own X% of all of these objects. So if you set it to %50 percent, you get a point.

Hopefully that all makes sense

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Re: Game Play Ideas

Post by kaadmy »

Football would be fairly easy with a plugin, but soccer and tank control are much harder.
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Re: Game Play Ideas

Post by happyhad »

I was thinking of tackling trying to write a Football plugin. I am exclusively Windows and am a VB.NET hack.
I thought for starters I would try to just compile the sample plugin to get my feet wet. I am not having any success and was hoping someone had an idiots guide to this.

Windows 7
I have downloaded the bzflag source code.
I have Visual Studio 2010 Express for C++ installed.

I open the SAMPLE_PLUGIN.sln

I go to Debug, Build Solution and get the following:

1>------ Build started: Project: plugin_utils, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1> plugin_utils.cpp
1> plugin_groups.cpp
1> plugin_files.cpp
1> plugin_config.cpp
1> Generating Code...
1> plugin_utils.vcxproj -> C:\0\bz\bzflag-2.4.2\plugins\SAMPLE_PLUGIN\plugin_utils_Win32_Debug\plugin_utils.lib
1> C:\0\bz\bzflag-2.4.2\plugins\SAMPLE_PLUGIN\plugin_utils_Win32_Debug\plugin_utils.lib
1> 1 file(s) copied.
2>------ Build started: Project: SAMPLE_PLUGIN, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
2>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'bzfs.lib'
========== Build: 1 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

What am I missing?
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Re: Game Play Ideas

Post by blast »

You have to have the bzfs.lib file in a location it can find it. I'm not sure where it normally expects if, but if you build bzfs as well, you'll have a bzfs.lib to link against. Otherwise, you can try to find an appropriate location to copy the bzfs.lib file from "C:\Program Files (x86)\BZFlag2.4.2_32Bit\API" or "C:\Program Files\BZFlag2.4.2_32Bit\API".
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Re: Game Play Ideas

Post by happyhad »

Thanks for the info. I will give it a try.
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