browseable recommended maps

User made maps to use on servers.
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browseable recommended maps

Post by Tzeentch »

Is it possible to separate out these maps in the forums by type? I want an easy way to browse the maps with some photos and descriptions. And to filer by either: map size, max recommenced players, highest downloads and or highest ranked, game mode. is too basic to browse maps quickly. A little screen shot and desc. would be good beside them on the same page...

What are the best recommended maps? I've tried a few on my server but they seem hit and miss on the quality shall we say. I quite like one which has some custom images dotted around.. it has been up for some time. Can't remember the name. planet mofo is not noob friendly enough and you die on spawn often I find. (it is popular though)

Maybe I could use one for just private use with friends and import some specific images into the map. That would be great!

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Re: browseable recommended maps

Post by blast »

Here's some other sites: ... yMaps.html (ones I grabbed from some archive some time ago, so some files are missing)

Scripts for generating maps from smaller map "chunks":
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Re: browseable recommended maps

Post by Tzeentch »

thats quite decent, newest maps on those from 2009... what is the most advanced map i wonder... I'm looking for some variety from stealthy to moderate scale buildings with some billboards like that one server and at the same time what is important is me having map rotation, that I can configure i.e. change map each day, every 4 hours etc. Is their any script already made that can do this? So it can be completely hands off.
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