New players

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New players

Post by Raydon »

yes I have to say as a new player or as most call it "A Noob" It has become frustrating. I just want to play a game. I like this game. But every time I come to play there is no one playing the only place that has people on a regular basis is the apocolpys mofo and the so call easy tank game is loaded with just as skilled players. My play level has improved. But I am at points at the mercy of some of these players that recognize that I am new and there are many point that I cant even move after respawing because it feels like they are waiting for me at that spot. I even had one game where one person with the geno. just sat there waiting for me to fall and then geno me all over again. increasing the angry of my so called team mates.

I guess if there was a way to rank people and make it so that in order to enter certain rooms you have to be at or around that rank which would also mean that higher ranked player cant come down and slum with the noobs.

IN the end its a game I like to have fun thats it. so far I only met one nice person who actually helped and tutored me a little. You get a few more dozen of people like this that like to be nice and teach then you would most likely have less anger.
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Re: New players

Post by joevano »

Unfortunately, there is not. This is a very old game that was designed for LAN play and then along came the internet.

That being said, just stick with it. Before much longer you will start holding your own against most players. Many of us have been playing this game for years. My best advice to new players is to learn not to jump when shot at. Learn to dodge when shot at, and generally only jump up onto something.
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Re: New players

Post by [honc] »

Yes just stay on it .. it was frustrating for me as well .. but
after some time and many tanks later i am now able to had a positive score :-)

anyway i remeber that you beat my head many times .. just hold on to it
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Re: New players

Post by kierra »

raydon and honc.....bzbattleground's dodge trainer is nice map for honing dodging skills.
Also the 1v1 maps are great to practice on as well....ducati style ones have 2 shots, rico and no jumping as well as the fancy ones. hix has 3 shots, rico and jumping.
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Re: New players

Post by [honc] »

jo and i use the servers from time to time but
i love the mofo battle .. and so i am most of my battletime there ..
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Re: New players

Post by FiringSquad »

Each map and each flag has their own particular skill-set to master. Don't be disheartened if you can't master everything at once.

You might start with the Ducati maps.
No Jumping or special flags.
It is much simpler and a great way to learn dodging skills and good use of ricochets.
If nobody is there, just wait a while and someone might come along. People are more likely to stay if there's at least one player (i.e. You!) there.

Ducati maps are not very active which is good for learners, but beware some older players prefer Ducati and can dodge with super-human skill.

Also, check out these sites for some help: ... zflag.html
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Re: New players

Post by Sniper752 »

also, recently the map Minas Tirith has had a lot of players. You might try playing there for awhile. Superflags, Jumping, but not as apoctalyptic as apocalypse :)
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