Newb with server creation.

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Newb with server creation.

Post by Danfun64 »

Hello. I started to place this game recently and like it a lot. However, the default settings drive me crazy! If I want to make a LAN server just for myself I would like to make changes, but I don't know how, or if they are possible. What would I need to do to achieve the following in a server?

More jumping control (switch directions, speed up or slow down etc), jumping will be faster to begin with
1 or 2 second respawn timer rather than 5
Health/armor system where it takes 2 or 3 shots to get destroyed rather than 1; maybe new power ups to add health/armor
When flag is captured by enemy, either a "better luck next time" sound or a "wah-wah" sound rather then laughter. Also, losing team doesn't all blow up.

Tanks (pun intended) in advance for the help.
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Re: Newb with server creation.

Post by blast »

First, have a look at stuff over on the wiki, such as the stuff here:
Danfun64 wrote:More jumping control (switch directions, speed up or slow down etc), jumping will be faster to begin with
Add Wings flags to the world by adding this to your server configuration for 10 Wings flags: +f WG{10}
Danfun64 wrote:1 or 2 second respawn timer rather than 5
Add this to your server config for a two second respawn timer: -set _explodeTime 2
Danfun64 wrote:Health/armor system where it takes 2 or 3 shots to get destroyed rather than 1; maybe new power ups to add health/armor
Closest thing is the shield flag which lets you take one hit without dying (and the flag drops after you get hit). There is no built-in health system in the game.
Danfun64 wrote:When flag is captured by enemy, either a "better luck next time" sound or a "wah-wah" sound rather then laughter.
Replace the flag_lost.wav and flag_won.wav with new sounds. Our wave file reader is somewhat primitive, so you'll have to somewhat closely match the audio parameters of the existing files. For instance, flag_lost.wav is PCM audio at 22,050 KHz, 16-bit depth.
Danfun64 wrote:Also, losing team doesn't all blow up.
I can't recall if that is controlled by the client or the server. In any case, as far as I know, there's not a configuration option to change this, so it would require code changes.
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Re: Newb with server creation.

Post by mr64bit »

Note that replacing flag_lost.wav and flag_won.wav with your own files will only effect your client, not everybody who plays on your server. As far as I know, there has been some experimentation with playing custom server side sounds, but it didn't really work.
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