Apocalypse In Action :: Planet MoFo

Place for people to discuss public servers, and also for admins to lay out the details of their servers
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Re: Apocalypse In Action :: Planet MoFo

Post by optic delusion »

There are two sets of data.

The "DAILY TOP 50" dataset keeps scores for all players, and is used to create those "DAILY TOP 50" billboard images. The rating is kills/deaths, minimum 50 kills.
All data is erased right after the image is made.

The "Strength Index" keeps data on registered players only, and currently has close to a year of data. It is used to display a player's strength index on join.
You can see the complete list HERE http://images.planet-mofo.com/donf/ranking.xhtml This is dynamically updated!
When you go there, CLICK SLOWLY, it does not have fast response times. You can click on names, or search for a specific name.
Some categories are...
Event Count: Total number of times that player has killed and been killed.
Connectedness: What percentage of other players an event has occurred with.
Ratio vs Median: Higher than 1 means you are better than average. Lower than one and you're a noob.
And you can see exactly how many times you have killed (or been killed by) every other player since data has been collected!

I am sure a lot of you don't know KTL, but he is completely awesome for creating this totally awesome data collection scheme.
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Re: Apocalypse In Action :: Planet MoFo

Post by cepris »

hossa wrote:1) amend the operation of the masquerade flag so that if you get hit by a geno-holding opposing player, it kills their team. To be clear, if I'm red, and you're green (see what I did there ;-), and I'm holding MQ and you're holding the green flag, and you shoot me, all greens die. Adds a litle risk to the geno reward.
I love that idea! Would add a really nice twist to the game :D

I_Died_Once wrote:In the past, everyone and their brother has done this and that, doing all kinds of things with the Useless Flag. I think we did it one better - not to divulge the full formula, but going on a rampage with the useless flag pays off in a major way. We call it the Useless Rampage. Go pick up a Useless flag and try it out!
I thought the Useless flag was just there to annoy everyone! Will be trying this out soon ;)

So here's an idea I had.. The plugin which causes a player to gain points after they capture the flag is really awesome because it encourages the CTF styled game and gives the player credit for capturing the flag. Although, the one who physically captures the flag is not always the one who put all the work in.. more than once I've taken the flag all the way up to near my base, only to be killed right before capturing it. Then the next person from my team who spawns on the platform or goes up there can capture the flag, and get all the points which I pretty much earned. There are also times when player X takes the flag some of the way, player Y takes the flag some of the way, then player Z captures the flag.

So I thought it would be pretty cool if there was a small amount of bonus points for the entire winning team when the flag is captured. Or not. Because that could unbalance the score pretty quickly, and rewards anyone who did nothing. So maybe players who were involved with carrying the flag will get points awarded when the flag is captured. i.e., any player who held the flag in the period leading up to it's capture will be awarded with some points. Or maybe they could even get more points, depending on how long they held the flag for.

Although this can bring up the problem of people just sitting there with the other team's flag to get points. So maybe if the points are only awarded to people who held the flag since someone from the flag's team was holding it - e.g, if player X is on blue team, and is sitting there with the red flag to try and gain points; none of that will count if someone from the red team kills them and takes the flag. I think that will more of less solve the problem, because there aren't many people who would sit there holding the flag to get points, with the enemy team chasing them.

I think this will encourage team work as well as reward everyone who helped with the capture. Thoughts?
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Re: Apocalypse In Action :: Planet MoFo

Post by dereliction of duty »

yeah, KTL does know his stuff! I like what he did with the Mad City map.

Might be just my opinion (although I've heard others agree), but using the score rating system on your overly tweaked server sort of distorts, thus negates, the whole purpose of that rating system.
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Re: Apocalypse In Action :: Planet MoFo

Post by I_Died_Once »

Chiming in with a quick update and to respong to recent comments...

The stats plugin goes off of KILLS, not POINTS. We agree that with all the score-trickery in play, this may be confused. But rest assured, the stats are good and correct, as it doesn't go off of score but by deaths and kills.

Not sure we would want to go this route even further by rewarding the whole team for a flag cap. Most of the time, players are camping and not assisting in CTF. We've considered paying out rewards by a number of means, but none of them really work in implementation. Like paying out to the last two or three people who've held the flag, paying out accoring to how long a player holds the enemy flag... none of which is realistic in putting them into play, as the API isn't smart enough to determine whats REALLY going on in those respects. Paying to the person who capped the flag is the best current option on that.

Also, we changed the teams up to green vs purple. Maybe now some of you will be able to see the team flags. We're going to run it 24/48 hours with this configuration before/if we change it again.

Thanks to everyone for their continued support and for playing at Planet MoFo!
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Re: Apocalypse In Action :: Planet MoFo

Post by cepris »

I notice you changed the colours to red and green now, instead of purple and green. I just want to leave my opinion on that, if possible.

Personally, I much preferred the purple and green colour combination. Red and green is far too cliched. Almost every two team server uses red and green as their colours. The purple and green were really unique, and added yet another unique flair to the server. I've never seen any other server using purple and green, which makes this server more interesting. Of the colour combinations I've seen on Apoc in Action (red and blue, purple and green, red and green) I would have to say purple and green was my favourite.
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Re: Apocalypse In Action :: Planet MoFo

Post by I_Died_Once »

cepris wrote:I notice you changed the colours to red and green now, instead of purple and green. I just want to leave my opinion on that, if possible.

Personally, I much preferred the purple and green colour combination. Red and green is far too cliched. Almost every two team server uses red and green as their colours. The purple and green were really unique, and added yet another unique flair to the server. I've never seen any other server using purple and green, which makes this server more interesting. Of the colour combinations I've seen on Apoc in Action (red and blue, purple and green, red and green) I would have to say purple and green was my favourite.
YES! A player after my own heart!

While I cannot agree more, Red vs Green has been done and done and done again, the color combination should be outlawed! Personally, I like red vs blue the best, but everyone and their brother complained about it and we got tired of hearing it to be honest. We're probably not going to *stick* with any one color combo, but rather rotate as many different pairings as we can to keep things fresh. One update I'd like to see (but would require a re-write of the game I bet) would be for team colors to take a hex value (#00FF00) for more color options.

Also, while I'm at it, I want to share the latest and greatest...

Introducing the "Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog" (KR) flag, yet another Planet MoFo exclusive! All kills made by the flag holder will trigger a shockwave. (anyone remember the "ShockwaveDeath" plugin?) All players killed by that shockwave will trigger another shockwave, setting up a potential for a chain reaction. Even running over a player with BU will trigger the shockwave. Effective against clusters of players grouped close together and base camping after a flag cap, this is intended to be a heavier artillary-type weapon. Only one is in play. This is a nod towards our world famous "Week of the Rabbit Hunt" where all kills made by the rabbit triggers a shockwavedeath.

Much love to the bzflag community for your continued support, and thank you for playing at Planet MoFo. We have more stuff "baking in the oven" (if you will) and we look forward to more game changing features being released, hopefully soon.

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Mac Freeze Soved

Post by optic delusion »

We have had some problems with macintosh clients crash/freezing.
I am happy to report that this problem appears to be solved as of yesterday. The Problem appears to have been the Rabbit of Cearbong Flag.
No further details because I'm still not convinced it's 100% solved. Please report if your client is still freezing. Use this thread or on the game server use /report.
Also, some linux users were affected, but their freezes were less frequent. Please report any linux freezes if they still occur, as well.
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Re: Apocalypse In Action :: Planet MoFo

Post by I_Died_Once »

Happy Birthday to: Apocalypse In Action!

One year ago today, the Apocalypse went online and took BZFlag by storm! We've covered a lot of ground, fixed many bug, encountered more, and accomplished much! According to the stats, we were by far the most popular server of 2012, averaging 11.097 players, while Purple Panzer's "Quickshot" server came in second with a 2.797 player average! (and thats not to knock the Purple Panzer or any other server, as we have much love for Panzer and all other server owners)

http://bzf.guleague.org/bzfstats/top_se ... _year.html

Also, in one year, we have become the #3 BZFlag server of ALL TIME! Coming in behind Castle Warfare (second) and our own Passion of the Free For All! (FIRST!) Not bad for a munchkin server that started out of my own basement!

http://bzf.guleague.org/bzfstats/top_se ... years.html

We want to take the time to thank everyone for helping us to achieve this occasion, our top notch admin team who without them none of this would be possible, and the devlopers, Tim Riker, and everyone else

Stay tuned as we hope to have yet another game changing announcement soon!

Much love from Planet MoFo! Keep pwn1ng those noobz!
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Re: Apocalypse In Action :: Planet MoFo

Post by FiringSquad »

Happy Birthday!

I love this server. It really is a lot of fun to play.

Just got a crash today (won't stop me playing though) and I'm attaching info about the thread that crashed, in case it's of any use in tracking down problems.

Code: Select all

Process:         BZFlag [1133]
Path:            /Applications/Games/BZFlag-2.4.0.app/Contents/MacOS/BZFlag
Identifier:      org.BZFlag
Version:         2.4 (2.4.0)
Code Type:       X86 (Native)
Parent Process:  launchd [88]

Date/Time:       2013-01-24 17:08:21.041 +0000
OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.5.8 (9L31a)

Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS)
Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x0000000000000054
Crashed Thread:  0

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libSystem.B.dylib             	0x9701dd52 __kill + 10
1   libSystem.B.dylib             	0x97090242 raise + 26
2   libSystem.B.dylib             	0x9701c1cb _sigtramp + 43
3   ???                           	0xffffffff 0 + 4294967295
4   org.BZFlag                    	0x000fa1d8 World::initFlag(int) + 104
5   org.BZFlag                    	0x00130b20 handleServerMessage(bool, unsigned short, unsigned short, void*) + 3040
6   org.BZFlag                    	0x0013a183 doMessages() + 275
7   org.BZFlag                    	0x0013aec7 playingLoop() + 311
8   org.BZFlag                    	0x0013f089 startPlaying(BzfDisplay*, SceneRenderer&) + 5513
9   org.BZFlag                    	0x0010e7cf SDL_main + 18511
10  org.BZFlag                    	0x001c382c -[SDLMain applicationDidFinishLaunching:] + 76
11  com.apple.Foundation          	0x9620552c _nsnote_callback + 364
12  com.apple.CoreFoundation      	0x9019a47a __CFXNotificationPost + 362
13  com.apple.CoreFoundation      	0x9019a753 _CFXNotificationPostNotification + 179
14  com.apple.Foundation          	0x96202680 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 128
15  com.apple.Foundation          	0x9620bed8 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:] + 56
16  com.apple.AppKit              	0x97570df2 -[NSApplication _postDidFinishNotification] + 125
17  com.apple.AppKit              	0x97570d01 -[NSApplication _sendFinishLaunchingNotification] + 77
18  com.apple.AppKit              	0x974ea81b -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleAEOpen:] + 284
19  com.apple.AppKit              	0x974ea014 -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleCoreEvent:withReplyEvent:] + 98
20  com.apple.Foundation          	0x9622aa9f -[NSAppleEventManager dispatchRawAppleEvent:withRawReply:handlerRefCon:] + 655
21  com.apple.Foundation          	0x9622a7af _NSAppleEventManagerGenericHandler + 223
22  com.apple.AE                  	0x96e91648 aeDispatchAppleEvent(AEDesc const*, AEDesc*, unsigned long, unsigned char*) + 144
23  com.apple.AE                  	0x96e9157e dispatchEventAndSendReply(AEDesc const*, AEDesc*) + 44
24  com.apple.AE                  	0x96e91425 aeProcessAppleEvent + 177
25  com.apple.HIToolbox           	0x97151981 AEProcessAppleEvent + 38
26  com.apple.AppKit              	0x974e78e9 _DPSNextEvent + 1189
27  com.apple.AppKit              	0x974e6f88 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 128
28  com.apple.AppKit              	0x974dff9f -[NSApplication run] + 795
29  org.BZFlag                    	0x001c3fc0 main + 1568
30  org.BZFlag                    	0x0001cec6 _start + 216
31  org.BZFlag                    	0x0001cded start + 41
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Re: Apocalypse In Action :: Planet MoFo

Post by I_Died_Once »

I wanted to link to the announcement about the much hyped and highly anticipated MoFo Cup

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Re: Apocalypse In Action :: Planet MoFo

Post by optic delusion »

Apocalypse, and Passion will be moving to a new server machine this week. courtesy of Deadalot.

Downtime should be zero, as we will thoroughly test the new server before turning off the old one.
The plague of server lag spikes should quickly become a memory.
Your individual lag numbers will remain about the same.
Some server plugins may be temporarily unavailable.
Player rankings will probably be the last thing restored. We may start a new ranking dataset.

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Re: Apocalypse In Action :: Planet MoFo

Post by amcs »

Hello to all

Don't you see that because there is no score less and less people are plying this map?

I was half the fun!! I had more fun in the old server, even if it crashed once in a while then in this one. Even I come to play less than I used to.

I hope the adms listen

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Re: Apocalypse In Action :: Planet MoFo

Post by joevano »

Don't know who adam is or why he would be listening... there is no sound here.

As for no score... what the heck are you talking about?!?! Did you maybe hide the score on your machine by hitting 's'? Because I have a score and usually a pretty high one!
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Re: Apocalypse In Action :: Planet MoFo

Post by optic delusion »

Joe, he's talking about the player rankings and they ARE coming back, soon. I just got done with a conversation about the (hopefully) last remaining problem with them.

On an unrelated note. lookie here, http://forums.bzflag.org/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=18489
New Gun-Game game style COMING SOON!!
Take a look at my Defender game mode concept.

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Re: Apocalypse In Action :: Planet MoFo

Post by decarap »


A small suggestion :
It would be cool if suicide with Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog Flag create a shockwave.

Could be kamikaze but awesome.

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Re: Apocalypse In Action :: Planet MoFo

Post by optic delusion »

I have seen the problem you are trying to solve. I've seen it for a long time.You want a last-ditch effort to stop a capture.
We've had several ideas on how to solve it. None are completely satisfactory. For instance. suicide cannot be considered a successful strategy.
There is a check in the KR flag code to specifically precent this. It would be a simple matter to enable the suicide-shock.

However... Your idea has given me a second Idea - the BlockWave. This just might be the one I've been looking for.
We'll see how it turns out.
Take a look at my Defender game mode concept.

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Re: Apocalypse In Action :: Planet MoFo

Post by [honc] »

.. hi ..

.. and how about vertical shooting [looking like bambi right now *blink*blink*] .. ?
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Re: Apocalypse In Action :: Planet MoFo

Post by dang dizzy white »

[honc] wrote:.. and how about vertical shooting [looking like bambi right now *blink*blink*] .. ?
IMHO, the play is already fast enough and the kills/deaths go around quickly as well.
By including the verticality, the whole gameplay would probably just get more clusterfacked.
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Re: Apocalypse In Action :: Planet MoFo

Post by lkjhg »

Hi. If is possible please return the old rules on this server:
1. 5 Shots.
2. Inability to kill someone on your team.
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Re: Apocalypse In Action :: Planet MoFo

Post by blast »

lkjhg wrote:Hi. If is possible please return the old rules on this server:
1. 5 Shots.
2. Inability to kill someone on your team.
It will return to normal roughly tomorrow, since it's "TK Tuesday" at MoFo.
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Re: Apocalypse In Action :: Planet MoFo

Post by lkjhg »

Ok, but i like 5 shots, not 4, as it is now. Some time ago there were 5...
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Re: Apocalypse In Action :: Planet MoFo

Post by kierra »

Delusion has made recent changes, yes:
4 shots
rapid fire is 10% slower
spawn facing center
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Re: Apocalypse In Action :: Planet MoFo

Post by lkjhg »

It's incredible, but I already like Tuesday's game:
- 3 (or 4) shots are more better than 5
- shots at an angle to the ground
- on Tuesdays are less random people
- teamkill are allowed, it requires attention and it is interesting.
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Re: Apocalypse In Action :: Planet MoFo

Post by JohnTheBaptist »

Aha! So rules will be chaining daily and repeating weekly?

Somewhat interesting today I would agree. Although not sure what map will now remain for mindless carnage type of gameplay. :D

EDIT : No I take it back, its too much work to think about all the new rules, tedious.. want some mindless fun. If I wanted strategy and thinking I would have stayed longer at work. :lol-old:
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Re: Apocalypse In Action :: Planet MoFo

Post by lkjhg »

Ok :)
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