[OUTDATED] pre-alpha build

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[OUTDATED] pre-alpha build

Post by blast »

This is a pre-alpha version. It may crash and (will definitely) exhibit bugs. However, if you do run into issues/bugs, please feel free to report them (with detail) on our bug tracker at SF.net and/or discuss them here. The bug tracker is preferred, because we can more easily track the bugs and record when they are fixed. Please review what was already mentioned on the last pre-alpha, as I don't think those issues have been fixed yet.

bzflag- (Windows)
You might also need the Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package to get it to run.

For people with OSX or linux, build from SVN. You can also grab an automatic tar.gz from the web SVN viewer.

Keep in mind that this version is NOT compatible with existing 2.0.x servers and clients. You will not be able to run this client on your favorite 2.0.x server.

Probably the biggest chance in this version compared to the pre-alpha is a new server list screen.
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Post by Anthony »

Wow another one.
lol_u died

Post by lol_u died »

Yeah. ummmm.... The server list isnt working good. WHen you press down to select a server, it randomly just jumps around. it doesnt go one by one down. Like if theres 10 servers and you want to go down alll the way to number 5 it goes like this

So it doesnt help when pressing the up or down key. ANd theres still problems that I have mentioned in the other post. Dunno of this bzflag version will be all that great. :/
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Post by joevano »

lol_u died wrote:Dunno of this bzflag version will be all that great. :/
Look this is Pre-ALPHA software, it is not even in Beta yet (when the software is even close to stable and functioning). There are and will be bugs in it, that is why we ask you to use it. Your snide comments can be kept to yourself until AFTER this version is released.
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Post by blast »

lol_u died wrote:ANd theres still problems that I have mentioned in the other post. Dunno of this bzflag version will be all that great. :/
Did you not read what I said? "Please review what was already mentioned on the last pre-alpha, as I don't think those issues have been fixed yet." We don't fix problems instantly. They will be fixed at some point. And like I have said in both of these threads, posting bugs to the bug tracker is preferred, because then we can track the bug easier. So if you REALLY want to make sure something gets fixed, post it there. Nobody did that yet for either of these pre-alphas.
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Post by JeffM »

he updated it because the protocol changed, and as the servers upgraded, the older clients would have nowhere to play
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Post by Tank 52 »

Ok,tried this one out,server list worked fine for me didn't jump around or anything as lol said,the old problems still seem to be there and the "a" key still wont work :cry: And i would put these on the bug tracker but "you must be 18 years of age or..." and im not 18 so i kinda can't.Anyway looks like the same thing from the last thing blast put out,the only thing i noticed that changed was the server list and it looks better then the old one,since i noticed the options in there to turn off rabit chase servers and etc..
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Post by ??? Lauria »

Wow. I dunno what you did, but this thing runs like a dream. I barely drop below 30 even with Energy Saver off and even with all the fancy effects on their very fullest (I love the new shots,) the game still averages out around 50, sometimes peaking around 75. And this is with my processor-consuming "virtual joystick" running on real-time priority.

And no bugs to report anywhere. The new GUI font is missing a few characters and LouMan's Metropolis map once spawned me in an instant-death area, but nothing on the client is at all buggy. Nice new menus, though.

Well, there is one thing: when I turn smoothing on, it wireframes everything on the radar and my framerate plummets (that may just have been Louman's map being so detailed, though.)

Suffice to say, you could release the game now and I doubt you'll have much of a problem.

Tested with Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 SP2, 1GB RAM, 2.4GHz processor, and ATI Radeon Xpress 200, with 85Hz 1024x768 monitor resolution. In layman's terms, yesterday's gaming PC.
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Post by tank12345 »

I like the new version and the changes and new features seem to be very nice and useful.

I haven't really tested 2.9999 very much, but a thing i don't really like is the smooth turns the tanks are doing now. Don't get me wrong, this feature is absolutely good, but it's a way too soft. I felt that the Quick Turn Flag is pretty useless now.

And if bzflag is started the first time after downloading from the web, it has still the lowest performance settings. Why? And the main menu could be clickable, but well...

Mainly i wonder why one of the main game issues is still "part" of the game, could be easily fixed, if you know what i mean.

On the other side, there would be many simple features improving the game experience very much, already often mentioned.

Another thing, the flags, were often discussed... i'm for adding more simple flags. If it definitely doesn't make probs, it's in most cases not that much to change, and new flags are fun! The use is still optional. I will never understand the reason why not adding more flags with simple abilities. I would make tons of them. It also would be extremely fun, to customize own flags with tool, a kind of "flagbuilder".

But i know feature requests are absolutely not welcome as long bzflag isn't absolutley mature (what will never happen) so i'll stop here.

Anyways, thanks all for doing it, good work. Have fun.
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Post by plasma kaz »

is it just me or is there something funky with the movement?

dunno... but if felt like the mousebox wasnt nearly as responsive as the stable version.. just a thought tho

also i noticed the 'j' thing hasnt been fixed yet
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Post by blast »

beanpole wrote:is it just me or is there something funky with the movement?

dunno... but if felt like the mousebox wasnt nearly as responsive as the stable version.. just a thought tho

also i noticed the 'j' thing hasnt been fixed yet
I would recommend building a more recent copy, as this one is almost 2 months old now.

Anyway, one thing to note is that 2.99.x has acceleration limits on by default, unlike 2.0.x. That might be the difference you're seeing in the responsiveness. Not sure on the font thing. I haven't build a client recently to see if that's been fixed.
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