MegaDrome: Blood Arena

Previews and comments on future maps.
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MegaDrome: Blood Arena

Post by ClayOgre »

I still got lots of stuph to do to it. I know my code is probably pretty ugly, since I sort of do stuff as it occurs to me going by what I see in my head.

I just got done fiddling with the teleporters, and haven't tested them, so they may not be working correctly. The inside of the four at the top of the arena are supposed to lead to the one on the inside of the central column.

I am thinking of boosting the whole works up about 20 units and putting in some water somewheres.

I also realize that my "boxbeams" might have worked better as 4 sided arcs, but haven't gotten around to trying that.
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Post by BinarySpike »

Weird! any good flags?

Like you said there is still alot of stuff needed to be added.
(also, the 'tilt' command on weapons wasn't released untill 2.0.2 so there might be version conflicts while playing)
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next iteration

Post by ClayOgre »

I haven't messed with setting the flag situation much, just sort of left it standard. I think what I am going to do is set up a series of zones in the very center. If you want a good flag, ya gotta go there and deal with the nastyness.

By the way, this is my first map attempt. Hopefully it is not too "over the top" with ways to die besides getting shot.

Here is the next iteration..... Not much change, re-did the interior spike setup and added some nasty physics stuff. Teleporters are still not quite what I want, and I need to add some stuff around the outside. The spikes now can kill you. There are some trampolines in the corners to take you up on the large arc buildings and there are "slippery" physics drivers on the upper levels.

I don't know what my object count is, the spikes alone account for 240 objects, I think. I am doing this on a P3-800 with the on-baord i810 graphics chipset. It is just a touch choppy, but not too bad at low or medium texture detail.

I am running a server on the LAN at work (shhhh, don't tell the sysadmin), the computers there are p4 2.4G with a later gen. Intel graphics chip. It doesn't run too bad. My players seem to like the map.
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some screenshots

Post by ClayOgre »

Here are some screenshots:
1.jpg (35.76 KiB) Viewed 1897 times
2.jpg (31.43 KiB) Viewed 1909 times
3.jpg (25.34 KiB) Viewed 1915 times
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Post by BinarySpike »

Are you still running the server???
I would looooove to see it with other people!!!
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Post by ducatiwannabe »

Cool, can't wait to see it when it's done!
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My server

Post by ClayOgre »

Alas, my server sits behind a firewall, which is probably a good thing, since if I had people coming in from outside to visit, it might attract some unwanted attention.

Right now there are only three players, including me. I have asked others, but so far, nobody has shown up.

The server itself may be of interest. Initially, I ran it under windoze Xp, since that is what is on most of the computers in the building. I only wanted to make it available during break times (it's a factory), so I would have to manually start and stop the server, which was on a computer that was physicaly rather far from where I usually was.

I tried to run it under the windows task manager, but it would run once, then the next time would puke.

I tried to telnet to the computer to see if I could start it remotely, but the connnection was refused.

At last I found a solution. I reboot the computer from a Knoppix 3.8 disk into console mode (runlevel 2). It automatically hooks to the network with DHCP (I can even hookup to the firewall and get out onto the internet from linux without having to login to windows!)I have the server and map files stored on the hard drive, which is mounted read-only. I mount the hard drive, set up an ssh server, and run the linux files from the windows hard drive remotely from any windows box in the building, using PuTTy (on floppy or USB key), starting it and stopping it as needed with whatever map I choose.

I have no knowledge of BASH scripting, but that is something I have considered as well to automate the whole process. For now, it's kinda cool to be accessing my linux box from windows while I am at work.
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