bzflag failed to open audio device

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bzflag failed to open audio device

Post by [ redacted ] »

I have the following error:

name@host:~$ bzflag
Failed to open audio device /dev/dsp or /dev/sound/dsp (2)
It ran perfectly except under "Audio options", "Sound volume" was set to "Unavailable". After I quit (not closed) Rhythmbox, everything worked.
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Re: bzflag failed to open audio device

Post by blast »

I split this into a new topic since this had been posted as a reply to a 10 year old topic.

Anyways, /dev/dsp is only utilized when using OSS instead of alsa, and generally the OSS system is only used when the game client is build without SDL. So, a few questions.

What output to you get when you run 'bzflag -version'?

What version of the game is this?

What operating system (and version) are you running?

Is this a package provided by the package manager or did you compile it yourself?
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Re: bzflag failed to open audio device

Post by blu132 »

I have a little problem related to the sound in bzflag.
The problem is: there is none.
Under Options -> Audio , it says, the Sound is "Unavailable". Other programs work though.
The used OS is Ubuntu 12.04
I am using PulseAudio and built from the sourcecode, following the instructions from the README file included.
Funny thing is: the outdated version of the game in the software center has sound. Before building and installing the sourcecode, I uninstalled the package (of course).
So how do I fix this?

Oh and if it is relevant: My Headset is a USB device...just mentioning because this constantly gets me into mistake I will never do again...

Edit: I read the Forum rules and noticed I should have opened a new topic for this since this one is pretty old. I will think of that next time, sorry.
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Re: bzflag failed to open audio device

Post by blast »

My guess is that you didn't build with SDL. Run the configure script again and look at the output at the end. I think it mentions if it's going to use SDL or not. You could also check the version string of 'bzflag -version'. It should have SDL in the version string if it was built with it.
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Re: bzflag failed to open audio device

Post by blu132 »

Thanks, I'll try that
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