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Geno when paused

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 2:22 pm
by yelo
Please forgive the fact that I'm rather n00bish at the game, and so the words I choose may not be the "official" ones.

BZflag version string:
bash-2.05b$ bzflag -v
BZFlag client (protocol 0026)
Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 Tim Riker

I was playing bzflag, and paused so I could hit F4 and head over to the wiki to see what key I accidentally hit to get the chat/server/messages window to disappear (btw, I'd appreciate help with that one).

When I gave up on that, I went back to the game. however, right before I was about to unpause, my teammate got hit by someone with a geno. All fine and dandy, I was going to unpause anyway.

So, I respawned, and I did so right behind a burrowed tank. So, I went to squish it. When I did, it said something to the effect of:

AutoKick: It looks like you tried to grab a flag while paused.

Seems like a bug to me!

Anybody else able to duplicate this? It seems likely/possible that the paused state is not reset when a teammate gets hit with a geno.

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 3:07 pm
by Guest
I will speak to the devs on irc about the bug.

To sort outyour other problem, Run BZFlag, then Options>InputSettings>ChangeKeyMapping> Toggle Console.


Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 3:24 pm
by Chestal
This bug (can also be triggered by other things as flag capture) should have been fixed 3 months ago. Maybe the server was still running 2.0?

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 3:46 pm
by Guest
Everything worked as usual when we just tested, right?
So, it must be the server version...?

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 3:53 pm
by Legolas_
press "Q" that works... you flag goes a way when you pause

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 3:55 pm
by Legolas_
well, thats not a bug, if a flag is respawned by you when you pause and you grab it when you unpause even by accident it kicks you becuase people have been known to cheat by pausing and then making a flag come to them.

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 4:24 pm
by yelo
Wow, many replys...

It looks as if the map I was playing on is now deserted (and, therefore, too far down the list for me to find in any reasonable amout of time). But, when I do find it, I'll report back with Hostname/port/version/etc.

Perhaps I should state what I did again, as I never did unpause myself.

1) I paused. This was for at least a minute.
2) A teammate got hit with geno
3) It brought up the usual right-click to respawn thing
4) I respawned directly behind a tank with burrow.
5) I squished him. It is possible I grabbed a flag accidentially in the process.
6) Directly after this, It complained about me grabbing a flag while paused. I was not paused. However, I never hit the "p" to unpause myself, either. Whatever the reason, the error message was at least vague.

Does anybody have a link to a page with the bug report on it? The only bug I could find with "pause" as a keyword was "[ 887956 ] paused players should drop team flags". Anybody have a link to the proper bug?

Oh, and thanks for the replys about the message window. I got that all cleared up :)


Found the server I was using:
BZFlag version

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 12:14 am
by toaster
Legolas_ wrote:well, thats not a bug, if a flag is respawned by you when you pause and you grab it when you unpause even by accident it kicks you becuase people have been known to cheat by pausing and then making a flag come to them.
There's an anti-cheat fix for that already. Manu wrote it about a year ago. You can't pick up a flag at a distance anymore.


Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 2:57 am
by Doppelgamer
I've had trouble with being killed while paused because the team flag was captured, like geno. not quite the same circumstances (i didn't take a flag or anything), but shouldn't the events of the game not effect you when paused?