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HOWTO: anonymous access to cvs repository

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2002 12:27 pm
by Fiberchunks
Here's a real simple HOWTO on accessing the cvs repository.

1. We assume that you have a CVS client installed on your machine. If you don't, find an appropriate one, download and install it.

2. To access the cvs repository, you first must issue the command:

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$cvs login
At the password prompt, simply hit enter -- you are now logged into the bzflag server, and can now check out the entire source tree. Before you grab the source tree, ensure that you are in the directory you want to be in - as you will have a folder created for you named bzflag, and all the source will be in it.

3. To check out the source tree for the 1.7 branch, issue the command:

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cvs -z3 co -r v1_7 bzflag

The above will check out the entire bzflag code tree.

4. That's all there is to it! Now you need to compile bzflag, by issuing the following commands (from the top of the bzflag directory):
$make <platform>; make
Platform is essentially the OS that you run -- linux, sparc, etc -- consult the README in the bzflag directory for more info.
If all goes well, you will have a new directory 'bin' containing the executables for bzflag, bzfs, bzfls, and bzfrelay...If you'd like to run your shiny new 1.7e7 bzflag, simply change into the bin directory and issue:
$bzflag -directory ../data
Note that you can also issue the$make install[/code] command, which will install bzflag in the usual places...and you won't have to run it as shown above. This command will overwrite your old install, so if you're testing the new version - be careful!

NOTE: the above stuff in red no longer applies -- as everything has been merged into an autoconf setup. So the following is the new procedure

4. Now, change into the bzflag directory you just grabbed from cvs and issue the following commands:

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$./configure [options] 

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and optionally

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$make install

Note that if you choose to do the make install step, that your old version will be wiped out -- so procede with care.

If you decide NOT to use make install, then you will need to change into the bzflag/src/bzflag directory, and issue the following command:

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$./bzflag -directory ../../data [options] 
You should now have bzflag going, and can frag away!
Obviously these directions assume that you have cvs and a C++ capable compiler installed on your system.

1. Add windows procedure as well - in process
2. Add Mac procedure - in process

Good luck -- please let me know if anything in here is not accurate and I will change it immediately.

Enjoy your new version, and don't forget to thank the developers for all the hard work they've put in on making this a killer game :)

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2002 3:14 pm
by Chestal
The command line doing the checkout should actually read:

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cvs -z3 co -r v1_7 bzflag
Mind the -r v1_7

Actualyl, it shouldn't be necessary to define a revision, but it hasn't been fixed yet in CVS.

Sorry bout that - has been changed.

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2002 5:32 pm
by Fiberchunks
Sorry, updated

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2003 11:05 pm
by Fiberchunks
edited original post to reflect new build procedure


Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 11:27 pm
by rob1n
anyone have any suggestions for a CVS client?

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 12:27 am
by rob1n
how revelant is this apart from version?

Bzflag from CVS on Linux

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 7:09 am
by KyleH
The version is no longer required. A recent update has corrected bzflag cvs problems.
For linux users, the cvs checkout is now working. First login

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$cvs login
(if this gives you errors, proceed to the next step - should still work below)
then checkout the source:

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$cvs -z3 co -P bzflag
the does this:

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$autoreconf --install --force
and then a normal

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Will result in a working binary.