Pinocchio and his crazy lag...

Talk between players of the game about the game ( no personal attacks )
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Private First Class
Private First Class
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Joined: Mon Nov 16, 2015 5:23 pm

Pinocchio and his crazy lag...

Post by Pinocchio »

I'm writing to apologize to all of you and ask for your continued patience.

For several months now the only thing bigger than my nose has been my lag (my "gaming" rig is connected directly over Ethernet, not WiFi as some have suggested). I've worked with CenturyLink, my DSL internet provider, to resolve the problem, but to no avail. Just to be clear, they did replace the cable that runs from their box to our house (credit to yours truly for spending 4 days on the phone with them and the tech who diagnosed the problem).
However, it seems that the problem with their cable is upstream of my place. I'm now working to switch internet providers as CenturyLink basically says that they will continue to cut speeds and increase latency as their cables in the ground degrade and their DSL equipment from the 90s fails. I'd bet I could negotiate to have this problem resolved, but I'd need to talk to the CEO or someone rather high up as CenturyLink's normal personnel don't have the authority to authorize the replacement of major components.

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