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Troubleshooting your connection to, Purple Panzer, or Planet-MoFo servers

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 10:34 pm
by allejo
Hello! You've been linked to this post because you're likely facing some trouble connecting to either my, Purple Panzer, or Planet MoFo servers. Here is a list of questions I'd like you to answer so that I can start helping determine the cause of your connectivity issues.
  • What OS are you on?
  • What version of BZFlag are you running?
  • What is your IP address?
  • When you connect to a server, what happens?
    • You can connect fully and can see other players
    • Your client crashes; i.e. your BZFlag window disappears and you have to restart it.
      • If this happens, run BZFlag from the command line (Terminal for *nix or Command Prompt for Windows) and use the -d flag
    • Your client hangs for a few seconds and you see a message saying "Error connecting to server" from the join menu
    • Your client may appear to connect but you receive a red message in your console which some text. Tell me what this text says
    • Something else not on this list
  • If you cannot connect to a server, attempt connecting to any map on *all* of these servers:
Please send me a Private Message with this information because this would just lead to spamming the forums. For that reason, I'm locking this topic.