DrawInfo help

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DrawInfo help

Post by Crallion »

No, I do not want somebody to tell me how do the basics of DI, I have a specific question about the trajectories of objects. So, can I use DI to make an object with a trajectory as seen in the attached file? I want an object to crash into the map over and over again about every minute. Is there a way to do that with DI?
trajectory pic
trajectory pic
aname.png (10.09 KiB) Viewed 1317 times
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Re: DrawInfo help

Post by Jefenry »

Yes. You can use a dynamicColor to make the object's textures go invisible. Then you'll need to sync the angvel of the drawInfo to the amount of time you specified your dynamicColor to turn invisible.
It'll be a bit of work, but definitely doable.

Your object won't fall in a perfectly straight line, but a large radius will make it less obvious.
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Re: DrawInfo help

Post by optic delusion »

Here's what i think you want to do...
have an object come from above, in a straight line, and hit the ground. (and explode?)

There is no linear motion with angvel.. it will need to travel in a very large circle. Use an angvel of 6 for a one minute rotation. I think it would be best to build your obj at a Z of 0, then convert it to drawinfo, then place it in a define and use spin in the group to get your height.
It's gonna be underground at some point, which is ugly, Getting the dyncol to make it disappear at exactly the right moment will be difficult. LOD and extents/sphere will not work for this.
You will definitely have to experiment a lot to get it right.
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Re: DrawInfo help

Post by Crallion »

Ok, thanks for the help. I figured on having to do a lot of experimenting anyway, so I'd better get to work. :D
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Re: DrawInfo help

Post by JeffM »

You should note that drawinfo is not a generic animation system, what you would be doing may not show up the same on all systems. It would also not be collide-able with anything (shots, tanks, etc..)
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Re: DrawInfo help

Post by trepan »

DrawInfo's animation can only do circles, so it's definitely not a generic animation system.
The "may not show up the same on all systems" needs a better explanation. There are 2
types of BZDB variables that will affect the way that drawInfo's are rendered (besides the
standard texturing/lighting/etc... settings).

1. useDrawInfo
If set to "0", drawInfos will not be rendered. Its default state is "1", and there are probably
very few that even know that this option exists, so it's not a real concern.

2. lodScale and radarLodScale
Those two variables control the levels at which drawInfo LODs are used (Levels Of Detail).
If you aren't using LODs, then you need not concern yourself with them.

As for the drawInfo animation timing, it uses the GameTime timer (the same as used by
the TextureMatrix and DynamicColor material properties). It's the first instance of a smoothed,
synced, high resolution timer in BZFlag, and it should make the rendering appear the same on
all of the clients for any given time. If not, it needs to be fixed ;-)
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