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Screenshots from Obstacle Course

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 5:54 pm
by LegoKid
Today I was at the new Obstacle Course map, and took some cool screenshots... Recently Jefenrey made his script make three levels, so it's VERY hard to cap now. But, a player named teamvss did it... Click on an image to open a bigger version.

teamvss in the air and about to cap... notice marzi in the air behind him.
Small delay in capping
Chaos after capping!!!
Before the cap. Notice that Marzi is one level down! He's fast...
33 people! That's more than missile wars usually has!

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 6:41 pm
by lol_u died
Ha You Got Shot By Me is an excellent player on that map. He totaly beat me. And Jefenry of course, he's good. He capped 3 times without dieing which is pretty hard!