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Make PZ flag stronger

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 1:09 pm
by robster
PZ flag has long been a stupid flag only used as a distraction and annoyance. I mean how many times have people actually killed another PZed flag player under PZ flag effects? How about PZ cannot shoot regular bullets but has steamroller effect? Can still be killed by sw and sb and watever normal flags that kill PZ but can now kill other tanks by steamrolling. Theif could then steal the PZ flag but always start without PZ effects, even if he stole it off a player under PZ effects, creating an extra use for theives.

Obviously other tanks would have to implement strategies for avoiding PZ tanks eg: going on high platforms (PZ tanks have the oo flag effect) and it would make it much more useful and fun. You can flush out the camping tank with a gm into other tanks who can dispatch him.

Comments welcome and if you feel inspired then submit it for a change in flag idea :D I'm just too tired.
ZZzzzzzzzzzz..... :cry:

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 1:38 pm
by joevano
But you fail to realize the power of the PZ flag... it makes you mostly invincible most of the time. The real way to use this flags power is to use the telepoters as shields. You hang around a teleporter while zoned and when an unsuspecting tank comes along you pop thru, unzone, fire off some shots, and pop back throuh... mostly invincible again. You can rack up some prettty high scores on the right maps with this flag.

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 1:53 pm
by robster
Yea but then you have to wait until someone comes near a teleporter and most of the time the other player will see you and back away. How many servers with PZ flags actually have effective teles so they can be used? Not many I feel...
Yes you are mostly invincible but you cannot kill anyone unless they are also PZed which is pointless really, especially as you are not completely invincible.

BTW donny wats the Winston Churchill quote in your signature suppossed to mean?

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 5:20 pm
by joevano
robster wrote:BTW donny wats the Winston Churchill quote in your signature suppossed to mean?
IMHO It means that the truth is not always welcome and that most people would rather avoid it if possible as often times it gets in the way.

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 7:03 pm
by Ordep
donny_baker wrote:But you fail to realize the power of the PZ flag... it makes you mostly invincible most of the time. The real way to use this flags power is to use the telepoters as shields. You hang around a teleporter while zoned and when an unsuspecting tank comes along you pop thru, unzone, fire off some shots, and pop back throuh... mostly invincible again. You can rack up some prettty high scores on the right maps with this flag.
I agree with you PZ is already pretty strong if you know how to use it. With more SR powers it will be like "god" (almost =P). Being able to kill other players when they can't kill you! (Unless you have SB or SW, of course.)

It can't be used (when I say used, I mean used to get some good scores) in all maps, but as other flags like laser can't also be used in all maps because you would kill yourself.

But at the right maps and with the right strategy, PZ is a very good flag from my point of view. I have to say one of my fav flags. (of course it depends of the map you are playing on)

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:40 pm
by L4m3r
PZ as a flag is pretty specialized, and its "special" properties aren't generally that useful. To be honest, I'd rather it be dropped from the game.

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 9:37 am
by Spazzy McGee
L4m3r wrote:PZ as a flag is pretty specialized, and its "special" properties aren't generally that useful. To be honest, I'd rather it be dropped from the game.
Agreed. The only thing I've ever seen it properly used for is the zombie mode, and to be honest that was too complicated to really catch on. I know sometimes people use it to camp behind teleporters, but meh. Even the zombie mode could be changed not to use PZ, when 3.0 arrives.

If ever there was a candidate for flag removal to make way for a newer flag, it would be PZ. More useless than useless.

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 2:09 pm
by Tedius
I agree that it is a highly specialized flag, however that makes it useful for specialized maps. TangenT had a cool map based on PZ, and I think other mapmakers could use it creatively if they tried.

So I disagree that it should be removed. Perhaps it should be removed from the default set of "good" superflags, so that a mapmaker would have to add it specifically. Should we have a class of "special" flags? We could put my favorite idea, the Cow-Launcher flag in that class too. ;)

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:34 pm
by clarahobbs
Spazzy McGee wrote:
L4m3r wrote:PZ as a flag is pretty specialized, and its "special" properties aren't generally that useful. To be honest, I'd rather it be dropped from the game.
Agreed. The only thing I've ever seen it properly used for is the zombie mode, and to be honest that was too complicated to really catch on. I know sometimes people use it to camp behind teleporters, but meh. Even the zombie mode could be changed not to use PZ, when 3.0 arrives.

If ever there was a candidate for flag removal to make way for a newer flag, it would be PZ. More useless than useless.
Just curious, but what is zombie mode?

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 2:25 am
by A Meteorite
Ratfink wrote:
Spazzy McGee wrote:
L4m3r wrote:PZ as a flag is pretty specialized, and its "special" properties aren't generally that useful. To be honest, I'd rather it be dropped from the game.
Agreed. The only thing I've ever seen it properly used for is the zombie mode, and to be honest that was too complicated to really catch on. I know sometimes people use it to camp behind teleporters, but meh. Even the zombie mode could be changed not to use PZ, when 3.0 arrives.

If ever there was a candidate for flag removal to make way for a newer flag, it would be PZ. More useless than useless.
Just curious, but what is zombie mode?
Zombie mode was, for all intents and purposes, a complete server gameplay mod with a plugin.

I do not remember the exact jests of it, but it would involve being spawned as zoned without having the PZ flag or ever entering a teleporter.