Page 1 of 1 Mass Map library

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 12:32 am
by nn
If you make maps,
you know that you have over time
you made a lot of them!!!

Well is taking on a challenge!!!

We would like major producers of maps to put all there old maps in to a zip file and send them in a pm to nn.

if you like us to we can host your hole collection of maps you have made.
with settings you specify.

We Love hosting and would be glad to have as many map collections and individual as possible up and functional to our users to play !!

Some of the collections we will host.
All of them we will put in a archive on the web under the map makers directory.

Can't wait to receive the map collections,

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 6:30 am
by macsforme
Perhaps you would consider keeping the number of actual servers to a minimum, and using a map-changing solution to switch between maps, rather than setting up hundreds of servers? This would keep the number of servers down, and make it much easier to browse it.

Thank you.

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 6:59 pm
by dexter
Here is a step-by-step guide on setting up the MapChange plugin:

It's great that your interested in giving mappers a chance to get their maps out there, but please consider setting up this plugin. This will in no way minimize your hosting capabilities and it'll just make everyone a lot happier.
Please NN.


Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 4:54 am
by Lady K
I am sorry, but I think this is a bad idea. You are running the same maps that other people already have up and making the list a total mess. I think there should be some sort of co-operation between people that are running maps. Don't run the same maps that are already on the list without talking to the people that are involved. It is confusing to people and splits the players up. Which does the game no good.

I think it is nice of u to offer to host and there are probably maps that need a place, I just think it is wrong to put it up this way. I would like to see other suggestions.

Lady K

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 12:38 pm
by Abominable
Lady K wrote:I am sorry, but I think this is a bad idea. You are running the same maps that other people already have up and making the list a total mess.
I've noticed that a lot lately. It seems when a new map, or a popular map is up, nn re hosts it under his box. Then, there are no admins or cops there. Just, nn. With all do respect nn, you're never really active enough at your servers. That's why a lot of the cheaters hit the maps you host the most. Maybe have a stand still logger, like the nnlogger you have, but with a @ next to it's name, so it sorta, detours people from breaking the rules. Also, I could be wrong here, I don't think your servers can start a poll on your box. I don't think, but I could be wrong there. I have no idea if you have reason for that, but sometimes polls are needed when no admin is present. None of this is aimed against you, nn, just speaking.