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Guided Missiles...Should they be deleted?

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 11:21 pm
by BryanBB14
My personal opinion is that GM's (Guided Missiles) aren't fair.
I say this because alll you have to do is lock on to a person and shoot.
I think that this is taking skill out of the game. Instead of having to aim and shoot, now you just have to lock on and shoot.
What is your opinion?

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 11:50 pm
by Winny
I have two anwsers for you.

Don't use the GM flag. Remove it from the map.

GM is very easy to dodge. Simple, all you need to do is be near a building, and try to get around the edge. The GM will simply run into the building.

You could also just try to avoid GM users, by hunting them on the radar.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:07 am
by joevano
The easiest way to avoid GM is to drive in a circle around them. They usually can't turn fast enough to keep up with you.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:14 am
by .Zero
If you notice that a GM has been fired at you, and aren't right next to a long wall parallel to the shooter, GM is quite simple to dodge. Move behind a structure or move perpendicular to the shot and you're safe.

One you get the strategy down, you'll find GMs aren't that powerful after all. Lasers on the other hand...

So no, I don't think GMs should be removed.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:50 am
by macsforme
Win Xp wrote:2)
GM is very easy to dodge. Simple, all you need to do is be near a building, and try to get around the edge. The GM will simply run into the building.
True, but GM can also be dodged (albeit with difficulty) in the open field by moving parallel to the missile coming at you. I suppose that a skilled player, however, would eventually get you anyway by firing multiple GMs and using his lock-ons carefully.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:24 am
by Saber
You don't have to lock carefully when the person is doing a circle around you. Just don't lock and use it like a normal bullet. It will be harder to dodge.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:44 am
by Mostly Harmless!
The only thing that annoys me about GM would have to be the amount of times I've run into one I've fired.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 3:19 am
by Grace F
Mostly Harmless! wrote:The only thing that annoys me about GM would have to be the amount of times I've run into one I've fired.
lol, strangely enough, I've never come across that problem before :P

I like the GM the way it is. It's not an over powering flag IMO as long as their are ways to escape it. Though, servers which make the GM's impossble to dodge unless your behind walls or stealthed, it gets very irratating for those trying to even just spawn.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:08 am
by ducktape
yes you cant hit Stealth with GM. and they are very easy to dodge. I'm wandring if you played on "Tanksnipe's Map in DEV viewing" where the GM turn angle is crazy.