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Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:47 am
by Cruel dog
it really looks like a custom made app... And the PSP has to be connected to WIFI.. where a regular lappy could be handy.. Iphone image was using the 3G Network.. Or Evdo (Anywhere). Your view's better tho.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 7:18 pm
by blast
LittleLeprechaun wrote:No way.

I check this site on my did u do tht (im 13 and dont know much about PC. but fairly enough)
He installed an SSH client for the PSP, then SSH'ed to a linux server and ran bzadmin.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 7:36 pm
by ducktape
blast wrote:
LittleLeprechaun wrote:No way.

I check this site on my did u do tht (im 13 and dont know much about PC. but fairly enough)
He installed an SSH client for the PSP, then SSH'ed to a linux server and ran bzadmin.
You also have to have a jailbroken PSP wit a custom firmware to be able to get an SSH client on your psp.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 11:45 pm
by blast
Yeah, the iPhone or a Nokia Internet Tablet are better platforms for running BZAdmin. One advantage of the N800 is that you don't have to port any of the code to get it to run on the device directly. The N800 already runs linux, so it's just a matter of compiling it in Scratchbox and building a package for it. I'm not familiar with iPhone development, so that might be fairly trivial as well. The N800 does have bluetooth, so technically you could connect to a phone with a data plan and run bzadmin through that.

Re: bzflag on the Nokia N800 / N900

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:22 am
by a blue tank
Thanks to whoever for moving this thread to the development forum. It probably is better here.

I'm extending my offer for a Nokia N900 port. See the edited original post above for details.

The Nokia N900 - 800x480 display or TV-out - Linux-based, OpenGL ES 2.0, plus accelerator controller ... it's what BZFlag has been waiting for. :D

Re: bzflag on the Nokia N800 / N900

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 10:17 am
by joevano
OpenGL ES 2.0 does NOT support all of the calls required by BZFlag ,so this would basically mean rewriting parts of the program. THis is a non-trivial thing and will probably never happen for what you are offering.

Re: bzflag on the Nokia N800 / N900

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 10:47 pm
by blast
I did manage to get BZFlag to run on the Nokia N800... "run" being the operative word. It is far from usable, and seems to only muster up enough power to get 1 FPS or less, though that was at 800x480 resolution.
BZFlag 2.0.13 running ON a Nokia N800.
(20.58 KiB) Not downloaded yet
Essentially what I did was install the Easy Deb package which enables you to download and create a debian chroot (technically, it was pointing to Ubuntu Jaunty packages).

Then from within the chroot I had to do the following:

Change my /etc/apt/sources.list to contain:
deb jaunty main restricted universe multiverse

Run an 'apt-get update'.

Then I installed the 'bzflag' package via apt-get, and then I installed the libgl1-mesa-swx11 (You can probably do them as the same step, but I didn't do that initially).

Then I set my HOME variable to /root/ by doing: set HOME=/root/
(It didn't like trying to write the config to the user's home directory since we are (and have to be, it seems) running the game as root.

Then I ran /usr/games/bzflag and bam, it comes up. I tweaked some settings in the game, like turning off texturing and adjusting some of the key mappings (setting the toggle radar and console keys to the top keys on the device, for instance, and getting a fast quit key set up). I was able to join a game and watch the slideshow go by...

Note that you don't get any keyboard interface on the N800, so you either have to edit the config manually to include stuff like callsign/password, or you can install the x11vnc package and enter stuff that way from a PC.

And for those wondering.. no, this is not a fake. But then again, it's not really much of an accomplishment either since it's not useful. Sure, I get bzadmin and bzfs too, but I already had that before by cross compiling them myself using Scratchbox. Still a bit interesting though.