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Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 3:38 pm
by Vlad
Hm....sounds like a server bug...most flags disappear after a few uses..

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 12:43 pm
by Kodiak.
Really? Hmm, well this flag sure liked me

My funniest moment.....

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 11:47 pm
by Da Best
My funniest moment would have to be when i got thief and this one guy had a laser and i went behind his back and thiefef it from him and then i shot him. lol i think his name was sack

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 10:43 am
by Kodiak.
Lol, once I had a lazer and a theif got it from me, but before he could shoot I got a theif and got it from him, lol!


Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 4:07 pm
by Sir Kay of Camelot
-When I was on lasermania and I killed gravity 5 times in a row then he killed mme 5 times in a row and so on. At the end we both had 0 as our score :D

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 4:51 am
by Some1
Sorry, bad post.

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 4:53 am
by The Gecko
My brother was on a busy server and was not doing his best and finally got fed up with all the bad spawns he was getting. He started playing half heartedly when picked up the genocide flag.

He decided to see if he ricocheted it off a wall into himself, if it would kill his whole team. It did. Needless to say, several of his teammates weren't very happy with him. They started calling him names and being mean because they were losing even without his negative help.

Well, my brother respawned and picked up the nearest flag... Geno. He repeated his richo manuvuer and quickly left the server.

I was watching the whole thing, and as soon as he picked up the second geno we both burst out laughing. We both knew exactly what he was going to do.

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 1:01 pm
by Kodiak.
Lol! Thats funny!

Well yesterday I had 3 reds after me, 2 in front and 1 in the back, and so I made 3 wild shots (3 shot server anyway) and jumped. 2 bellets hit the guys in front of me and the other one richo'ed off the wall and got the guy behind me! Lol :lol-old:

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 2:37 pm
by RexFlex
Long story - I had a funny game a few hours ago on Badgerkings :

I got stealth and headed for the second floor of the long building, taking out this guy from behind (he likes to camp there himself) Sure enough he aquired SW pretty quick, jumped onto the roof and started to carpet bomb the building to kill me or flush me out, but I managed to dodge him. After a while he ceased firing and we both settled down for a long game of cat and mouse. After a few failed attempts to get at each other, he eventually gave in and left.

Shortly after that he got himself killed by someone else, followed by a few stealthy kills from myself in my reaquired spot, and sure enough he got SW again and reapeated the process. I know how this guy thinks, so I had him on hunt and I was well out of the way by the time he started carpet bombing. This time another tank gets him. Again he tries on a third occasion with the same result (I can't believe he got three SWs so quickly, but he's so predictable I didn't mind).

His final attempt to get me was with another stealth, but while I couldn't see him on radar I noticed his disapearance and was waiting for him. Once again I shot him. This time he said something along the lines of "you win, camper", which was funny because he camps himself all the time, and was just annoyed because I got the better of him on that camping spot.

The funniest part a little after that was that another tank came over with SW and started carpet bombing my position. I sent out a message "Hey, no fair! That's [other tank's] job!". He didn't get me either. :)

( names withheld to protect the pwned )

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 4:15 pm
by Green Manalishi
that long building is holding many secrets. who built it? when was it built? what kind of technology was used?.. you can go through some of it's walls without having a pz or oo flag. :o there are chambers inside, tinged a weird blue-ish color, whose function is a complete mystery (save a few obscure legends mentioning them as being ideal spots for laser camping -whatever that would mean-). i doubt we have the knowledge to be able to build something like this today. we are faced with an enigma, friends. :!:

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 6:43 pm
by ducatiwannabe
I know how this guy thinks, so I had him on hunt and I was well out of the way by the time he started carpet bombing. This time another tank gets him. Again he tries on a third occasion with the same result (I can't believe he got three SWs so quickly, but he's so predictable I didn't mind).
That long building is camp kingdom. Just wondering, was the player name JDI or something similar? There was somebody doing that yesterday. Always had SW. Camped his way up to a 28-3 ratio with stupid shockwave. :D

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 8:12 pm
by Winny
Green Manalishi wrote:that long building is holding many secrets. who built it? when was it built? what kind of technology was used?.. you can go through some of it's walls without having a pz or oo flag. :o there are chambers inside, tinged a weird blue-ish color, whose function is a complete mystery (save a few obscure legends mentioning them as being ideal spots for laser camping -whatever that would mean-). i doubt we have the knowledge to be able to build something like this today. we are faced with an enigma, friends. :!:
uhhh hmmm......

what is laser camping? I would never do such a thing! ;)

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 1:01 am
by huw
Two funny things happened to me todays on vipers.

I was jumping and then all of a sudden the whole blue team (literally) spawned in front of me. I shot two of them down but I died within seconds.

A few minutes later I got SW and then another team player (Shadow Dragon) started following me around because I had got the flag before him.

I asked him to back-off but he refused so I backed away and tried to show I had SW. I wasn't far enough off so we both died.

He then called me a tking when he was following me :lol-old:

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 1:07 am
by Winny
I have a new one, probably when I killed 7 people in a row on badgers today and then I watch the radra and got laser flag 7x in a row 8)

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 9:00 pm
by huw
Another one on vipers.

Had PZ. First one non PZ tank kept trying to shoot me. Then it ended getting shot by a teammate.

Then another tank wasted all its guided missiles on me, got all embarrassed and did a self destruct :lol-old:

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 5:49 am
by L4m3r
Last night us mofos were chatting, and I went to show QuickTim something on my server and the whole chat room ended up going, so the six of us ended up having an admin party- 6 admins and no one else, lol.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 1:47 pm
by RexFlex
Win Xp wrote:what is laser camping? I would never do such a thing! ;)
:lol: Now I have another funny moment!

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 7:54 pm
by Winny
L4m3r wrote:Last night us mofos were chatting, and I went to show QuickTim something on my server and the whole chat room ended up going, so the six of us ended up having an admin party- 6 admins and no one else, lol.

you mean the people who play at mofo, not the literal term, right ? ;)

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 8:41 pm
by L4m3r
Win Xp wrote:you mean the people who play at mofo, not the literal term, right ? ;)
Um, yeah.

Well, the mofo cops/admins/owners, more specifically.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 1:56 am
by Kodiak.
Lol, yesterday I was on this cool map with pyramids EVRYWHERE (no blocks). I was at the top of the list, with a 10-15 score. How did I get that score? Well, all I had to do was make a tank mad, and head for his teammate. When he shot at me, I moved and they got each other. I hardly had to shoot :lol-old: ! Of course, the funny thing was they did it all throughout the game, lol

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 12:22 pm
by cookiecutter
Two funny things happened to me yesterday.

First one I was midair with laser. At secretplace there are a floating platforms that are very thin scatter about. Well I somehow managed to be just at the right height and angle to shoot myself of the side of these thin platforms. I seem to a master at pwning myself spectacularly.

Also I cornered a guy with thief. However just before my shockwave hit him, he stole my flag and shot once. We both died.

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:51 am
by The Vet
I seem to a master at pwning myself spectacularly.
You and I are alike, I am my own worse enemy most of the time. :wink:
Where can I find all my shot statistics? I want to see if my hunch is correct that I have shot myself more times than anyone has shot me. :oops:

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 2:31 am
by Theme97
InstaKill seems to be a rogue server even though it's CTF.
Anyway, my server was full, everyone was rogue except for one little red tank. I had genocide and was about to drop it since it was useless when I spotted that poor little red tank. I jumped up on to a building, aimed, and fired. Right when I fired, a rogue tank jumped in the way. I shot both. Fortunately, I had Rogue Genocide loaded. :P
In other words, I genocided everyone and my score went up by 9. :)

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 3:17 am
by Scorch
Once I went on a mad jumping spree and this guy just couldn't kill me! it was hilarious, and i was jeering at him from the air typing "encouraging" words at him and finally after a minute or too i landed behind him and let him turn 90degrees and then blasted the heck outa him (weird, he didn't jump) :lol-old:

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:42 am
by Kodiak.
Lol! The same thing just happened to me! I was jumping out of 2 tanks ways and they couldn't hit me at all, lol, and I was teasing them in mid air :lol-old: