Avatar changing unsucessful

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dang dizzy white
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Avatar changing unsucessful

Post by dang dizzy white »


Whenever I try to change my avatar, the following message appears:
This file cannot be displayed because the extension is not allowed.

I've tried changing the extension to both .png and .jpg, but the same issue keeps on displaying. The image I wanted to upload has the dimensions of 150x215, as well as is 61.2 KiB big, meaning that it fits the criteria in every focus.
I know it's just an avatar and not something of top importance, but is there possibly a known reason for this issue?
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Re: Avatar changing unsucessful

Post by JeffM »

what kind of file is it actually? You can't just change an extension and have the file magically change format.
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Re: Avatar changing unsucessful

Post by dang dizzy white »

What's with that attitude? As soon as you imagine something, you perform a full-scale assault? No, I originally had the image set as a .png, but have then uploaded it to Imgur. From there, it has been changed into a .jpg, I didn't overwrite the extension myself. Neither worked. I also tried importing it to GIMP, changing formats, and exporting it. There was no success. What kind of file is it? It is an image file with either the .png or .jpg extensions. What more can one say about a file?

So, to get back on topic. Do you know what the issue is? Moreover, would you know why the error says that the extension is not supported/allowed?
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Re: Avatar changing unsucessful

Post by blast »

Well, you said you tried change the extension, which is rather vague. Changing the extension alone doesn't change a file format, but if you said you resaved the file in an appropriate format in an image editor, that would have been more clear (which I'm still not sure if you have done). Not sure what "full-scale assault" you're referring to... exaggerate much?

Can you provide the complete error message? Seems it should also spit out the extension it detects.

Code: Select all

'AVATAR_DISALLOWED_EXTENSION'   => 'This file cannot be displayed because the extension <strong>%s</strong> is not allowed.',
EDIT: You can also use the 'file' command on Linux (which you may have to install) to verify the file type based on the actual content, not the extension. For example:

Code: Select all

user@linux:~# file example.bmp
example.bmp: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.02
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Re: Avatar changing unsucessful

Post by JeffM »

Yes with the limited information you posted it was hard to know what the issue may be. We do not know your level of computer competency, so we had to go on the information we had.

Perhaps you could include the file as an attachment so we can see what it is and what the problem may be.
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Re: Avatar changing unsucessful

Post by dang dizzy white »

Do excuse me for not being specific enough. My fault. Still, that magical part was uncalled for, Jeff, but I'm pretty sure you know that. You could have cleared my level of computer competency in other ways. Regardless, I have changed the format by using GIMP (Gnu Image Manipulating Program) and I am a Linux user, so further instalment won't be necessary. As for the full error message, it is exactly as I have posted. No strong/bigger letters in specific, just the line in red I've shared.

However, images tend to speak louder than words. So, first off, this is the error that keeps appearing.

As for the example of a file, I've attached one that isn't being accepted to this post. If you perhaps find the issue, please, do share.
Edit: After selecting "Preview", I cannot submit this post with the image file attached. The error says: The extension is not allowed. For an image form of the issue, click here.
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Re: Avatar changing unsucessful

Post by JeffM »

I've seen people think that changing the extension changes the format, sorry if that offended you.

I've seen the error before but not knowing what the image is limits what I can do to help you. Can you post a link to the image you attempted to use as an avatar? Maybe there is a bug in the forum code that the specific image triggers, I dunno. I've done a few test avatar uploads of my own and the seemed to work fine, so the next thing is to look at what your input is.
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Re: Avatar changing unsucessful

Post by dang dizzy white »

Glad to hear an apology, although I never hold grudges, so no issues there.

I cannot attach the image as a file to my post, so I'll share a direct link to it on Imgur. Here we go. Due to me being unable to attach the image to a post, nor set it is an avatar with the same error appearing, it is most likely the image itself that's triggering the error indeed.

Edit: I see that you have successfully uploaded the avatar yourself, Jeff, so the image itself cannot be an issue.
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Re: Avatar changing unsucessful

Post by JeffM »

Odd, It works for me.
The only thing I can think of is your browser isn't completing the upload properly. I don't see anything wrong with the image or the site.

Since you mention not being able to do do attachments ether, I'm thinking that is where the issue lies since I can attach it fine when uploading it from my desktop.
9hUvjRz.jpg (7.51 KiB) Viewed 8808 times
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Re: Avatar changing unsucessful

Post by dang dizzy white »

Yeah, I can see that. I think I know what the issue is, but I'll take that matter to the PM with blast. Thank you very much for your assistance, Jeff.
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Re: Avatar changing unsucessful

Post by JeffM »

Yes, I see the problem there, and now a lot more things make sense.

Using a Proxy to get around a site ban then complaining when that method does not provide all the services you desire..... not exactly cool.