Plugin Request Thread

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Plugin Request Thread

Post by SkillDude »

I have had a numerous amount of requests to create plugins and have done so and felt the need to provide my service to the public, since my queue is now completely emptied. This thread will be used for all plugins others would like to request from me.

In order to ensure plugins that function exactly the way you want, you MUST PROVIDE DETAILS. I can only make what you tell me to make and anything more will not be created. Of course, if you do realize that you forgot to provide me with a specific detail to your plugin, I can easily add it in.

Currently: AVAILABLE

WHAT I CAN DO: (Basically, everything in the BZFlag API. If you are unsure, just ask and I will explain what is and is not possible)
-Accept configuration files, so that you can provide options inside external files.
-Accept command line arguments, so you can provide on-the-fly options.
-Create custom map objects, so you can specify this custom map object in your map with correct parameters.
-Handle actions based on permissions, so new permissions could be specified for certain actions.
-Custom slash commands to perform different actions.
-Track scores or events and record/save them for later retrieval.
-Handle server variables and server settings.
-Track, handle, and create custom flags.
-Match handling, such as timed matches, best of X matches, elimination matches, starting after X players show up.
-Map management, such as "map change" servers, map rotations, map voting.
-Modify player shots, shot speeds, spawn locations, give/take flags, flag "inventory" management, flag picking, etc.
-Bullet "Objects" which can allow for curved bullets, homing bullets, shockwaves shot in lines, infinitely lasting bullets, and so on. (Lots of bullet trickery, useful for custom flags)
-Timed events (Based on real time), fireworks, server announcements, to name a few.
-Administration, kicking, banning, muting, modifying bad messages, looking for lag, jitter, packet loss, guessing passwords, rejoining (Restore score to prevent score abuse?), and so on.
-Base things on player data, such as jumping, landed, direction turned, speed of movement, shooting, etc.

Provide the following headers and fill in the information. Below is an example of what it should look like.
Plugin Title: Map Save Zones
Plugin Purpose: Display special messages when players go in certain areas of the map, and save their position so if they die or get disconnected, they will respawn at the last area they entered.
Plugin Details: The plugin will accept a map object called "SaveZone" which will have the following parameters: position, size, rotation, message, once. The position, size, and rotation parameters should all follow the same properties as they are used for default BZ objects. message allows for a defined message. If none is specified, an error should occur and bzfs should not run until the error is fixed. once is just a flag that will determine whether or not the zone can be entered more than once. If once is put in the "SaveZone" object, then once the player enters the zone, that is it. once zones should be reset upon flag captures (And naturally on server restarts). Finally, if once is not specified, the message and save should only occur again if the player completely leaves the zone and then re enters the zone. The plugin should parse the message so that if the user specifies a message over 70 characters long, it will automatically be spliced into individual messages. A '\n' should be allowed to denote separate messages as well. Finally, if the player gets disconnected, whether they leave or get lag kicked / internet lost, the plugin will remember their spawn details for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, their save point data should be erased and they would have to start over. The plugin should recognize players by the BZID when possible. Since only registered players have a BZID, we will say unregistered players do not get this benefit.

Above is a good description. The above user mentioned everything necessary for me to create a plugin, and I know how to handle almost every aspect of it because every possibility was considered. Please make your descriptions as close to this as possible when you request your plugin.

Finally, you have the choice, as shown above of whether or not this plugin may be released to the public. I put all my plugins in one of two categories, all to myself (Basically, no one can use it or see the code or should know about it unless they enter the map), or in the public domain for anyone to freely modify. By specifying public, I will post the source code as an attachment here on this forum, and anyone is free to use it from then on, with no ownership rights. If you specify not to let it be public, you should be sending your request privately and thus you will receive it privately, and the ownership of the plugin goes to you for you to handle however you want to use it. You may release it publicly yourself after the fact, but specifying the plugin to not be publicly available means you will be the first to have it.

This is a PLUGIN REQUEST thread.
-Ask how to compile plugins
-How to load plugins for your specific OS
-How to run a server
-How to load plugins into your map
-How to modify the plugin to fit more needs than you requested (Either modify your request or start another)

Please NOTE you will receive a source file from me. This is the .cpp or multiple C++ files required to compile the plugin. I will also let you know if any specific headers are necessary so you can get it compiled. Under certain conditions, I may choose to compile it on my server and host your map with the plugin on my server. As I mentioned though, I am not here to explain any of this. There are plenty of other threads on how to compile plugins, load plugins, and use them. I will only provide the necessary source files, appropriate documentation, and instructions for usage.

Plugin QUE:

CustomFlags, requested by Magick, completed in 15 hours - Publicly available @
ResetScore, requested by I_Died_Once, completed in 3 hours - Publicly available @
SnakeShots, requested by I_Died_Once, completed in 7 hours[+2 Revision hours] - Publicly available @
VIP Plugin, requested by mahem1, completed in 21 hours - Publicly available @

FAQ (Will append as necessary)

Q: How long does creating a plugin take?
A: In reality, almost any plugin conceivable takes less than 4 hours. I can guarantee simple plugins to be done in a matter of hours and complex behaving ones to be done in 2 or 3 days. I will always provide you with an expected date of completion, and I work really quick when it comes to plugin development.

Q: Can I see possible functions and trigger events I have to work with? So I don't ask millions of questions?
A: Sure! Check out this page: (Anything 2.3+ and not in the ? groups are usable) and this page at the bottom: (The one above the bottom group is for what was supposed to be 2.99)

Q: How many requests are you willing to take?
A: A ton. Please provide me the opportunity to help you create plugins you've dreamed of but don't have the experience of making.
Last edited by SkillDude on Sun Jul 15, 2012 5:56 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: Plugin Request Thread

Post by mahem1 »

Edit 1: 31/5/2012
1. Assumption 1, I though 3 and 4 team would be nice too, but I doubt we could get that many players.... So yes two teams.
2. Assumption 2, Yes that would be a useful permission.
When the VIP leaves, all players will be stopped and unable to shoot and notified that the VIP for a team has left. Whichever team has to pick a new one is told so and then the VIP can be decided.

Good idea, but how will a new VIP be chosen if nobody with VIP perms is there? Randomly?
...If it is just a "casual" game not started via /setVIP command...
Games should be started with the /reset command. /setVIP simply sets the VIP before the game starts.(For strategic reasons)
5. Due to the contradiction found ALL slash commands should have the prefix VIP, similar to the replay plugin. (/VIP reset) This will also prevent matching commands with other plugins.
6. Suggestion approved. Sounds like a great idea, although 30% could get annoying and less meaning full if you have say 20 lives. So I would say just the last 3 lives, but I'll leave the choice up to you.

Title: VIP
New gameplay style, where the object is to kill the other team's VIP. If you kill the opposing team's VIP your team wins. If your VIP dies you lose. It's Fairly wide spread game style.
Normal players are exactly that, they have no lives and only act as pawns. Who the opposing team's VIP is, should be kept secret by the plugin. Subbing and rejoining shouldn't affect the lives of a VIP. Spawns are random. To make it more fun for everyone it should be an ongoing game and if you want to 'match' just use the reset command, pick your VIPs and play.
Thing that are needed:
1. /lives command to set the number of lives the VIP has. (Or just make the default 10)
slash commands should have appropriate echos. i.e."The number of VIP lives has been set to <n> by <callsign>" (Or anything along those lines.)
2. /setVIP <callsign> or "random" to pick a random player from each team. With a general sever message that conceals the VIP, then a team message so the team knows.
3. /reset command, To reset the plugin to start a new game. Reset lives and randomly pick a VIP.
4. Team messages to respective teams updating when their VIP's loses lives.
5. "You lose." and "You win!" messages a VIP loses all of there lives. Kill all the losing teams players and randomly pick a new VIP.
6. Rejoining should not affect teams and there VIP's lives. So if the VIP has to be subbed out a new one can be picked by the team.
Hopefully I covered everything, pm me if I haven't,(Or if you have any suggestions or questions), don't clutter this topic. I'll edit this post in red if anything new is added.

Public: Yes

I have wanted to make this one for a while, I think it would be a fun and simple gamestyle! But I doubt it would become popular...
Last edited by mahem1 on Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
Lag makes me miss all of the good stuff.
And random bans..........
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Re: Plugin Request Thread

Post by SkillDude »

Plugin VIP has been requested and added to the queue.

Plugin will be released publicly.
-Objective is for either team to kill the designated VIP of the opposing team to win.
-Assumption Made to error out the map (prevent bzfs from starting) and display an appropriate error message when more than two teams are defined in a map (Excluding rogue and observers), as it sounds like this is a two team plugin.
-Assumption Made to only allow players to set properties of plugin via a permission. Calling this permission "VIP" for adding in groups files for easy management of who can use the VIP commands.
-Plugin will pick a random VIP whenever a new match starts. If it is just a "casual" game not started via /setVIP command, then the first player that joins is VIP, and subsequent VIPs are denoted randomly afterwards.
-When players first join the game, they are told who the VIP of their team is and are told to guard them carefully, along with how many lives are left.
-Defaults for the plugin will be 10 lives per VIP.
-Upon each death of the VIP, the team will be notified of how many lives are left.
-When the VIP leaves, all players will be stopped and unable to shoot and notified that the VIP for a team has left. Whichever team has to pick a new one is told so and then the VIP can be decided. The remaining lives of the VIP will be unaffected, as specified.
-When a team has successfully destroyed the opposing team's VIP, the game will be won by that team and appropriate messages to the winning and losing teams will be displayed, all players destroyed, scores reset, and a new VIP is selected randomly.
-/lives will be incorporated. Syntax is /lives <#> where # is the number of lives the VIP should have. Only players with the "VIP" permission can use it.
-/setVIP will be incorporated. Syntax is /setVIP <callsign/{#}slot> [-random]. callsign/slot is a valid player slot number or the callsign of a player. If the player's name does not exist, obviously the VIP won't be set. If -random is written (If a player is named random, this may have caused issues, so a - is in front.) Only players with the "VIP" permission can use it.
-Contradiction Found /reset is already a BZFlag command. Plugin command will be renamed to /resetVIP
-/resetVIP will be incorporated. Syntax is /resetVIP. Lives are reset, all currently playing players are destroyed, and a random VIP is picked. Only players with the "VIP" permission can use it.
-Suggestion Send a flag alarm sound to teammates whenever the VIP gets hit when they have 30% or less of the max lives. (So if the maximum set lives is 10 and the VIP gets hit down to 3,2, and 1 life, teammates will hear a warning each time).

Expected completion date should be June 2nd, approximately 18 hours from this post.

Very interesting idea. Teams can try to stay near their VIP, but then the opposing team might figure out who the VIP is. On the other hand, if the opposing team can be tricked, they may be repeatedly killing for nothing. At the minimum, assuming a game is 10 lives for a VIP with 5 players per side, you could expect a team to rush against 2-3 players and killing them 10 times each before finally winning. Of course, as the teams try to hunt down a VIP, the other teams may get more protective and....Yeah, definitely some interesting ideas here.

The plugin will be posted here when it is complete.

I have summarized all details and functionality of the plugin as I have seen it to clarify I understood everything you requested. If you find an error or modification necessary, feel free to reply or update. I will check back frequently to make sure anything you need is also included.
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Re: Plugin Request Thread

Post by SkillDude »

Your plugin has been completed and requested and below is the results:

The plugin has one cpp file and an extra generic functions header file that needs to be included in the bzflag/include folder before compiling. The zip file attached at the bottom of this post also has a readme file with some information about it.

Below is the contents of the readme file:
VIP Plugin
Published on 6/2/12
Written by Joshua Sigona (sigonasr2)

The VIP plugin was requested by mahem1.

The plugin adds a new game style that follows a basic idea.

One player is randomly chosen to be the VIP of the team.
The rest of the players are just pawns, willing to sacrifice
themselves to protect their VIP and to hunt down the opposing
team's VIP.

Because both teams are unsure of the opposite team's VIP, it
leads to a game that requires a bit of thinking and challenge.
You can start off by choosing any target, but eventually as
everyone takes hits, the VIP will be backing off. The VIP
gets a certain number of lives, and if he/she loses all of their
lives, bye bye team, and a victory for the other. When your VIP
is close to losing, you will start hearing alerts. This should be
your queue to defend that VIP as well as you can!

When the VIP is killed, all players are removed from the map, scores
are reset, a team point is added to the winning team, and a new VIP
is chosen. You also get a sound effect, based on who won.

This plugin can simply be loaded and comes with a default 10 lives.

The plugin also comes with three commands, all accessible with
/VIP or /vip. Note that you must have the VIP permission granted
to you via a groups file before you may begin using these commands.

The commands are:

/VIP lives X
/VIP reset

/VIP lives X
X should be a number that contains how many lives future matches
should be. This is by default 10.
X should be a player name, without quotes, (Even if it has spaces)
and it should be spelled out correctly with correct capitalization.
When this is set, the team is notified that the next VIP will be set
to whatever was chosen here. The plugin reverts back to randomly
choosing after making this pick.
/VIP reset
Ends the match, kills all players, and starts again.

Finally, the plugin also keeps track of a team score that represents
the number of times a team won, useful if you plan to use it when reporting
match results or just to see which team really is better.

The plugin only allows for two colored teams. Any more or less and the
plugin will display an error message saying just that. Note that Rogues
are not counted towards this and may be included without any issues.
Rogues could cause even more potential devastation.
Finally, after publishing each plugin, I don't just leave you with it and move on. I come back for any feedback and approval of the plugin from you. If you find anything wrong with it or something is not the way you would like it, you are free to let me know and I will continue to improve and adjust the plugin for you. So let me know if you approve of your plugin.

VIP Plugin waiting for approval.
VIP Plugin (Hotfix 1) for mahem1
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Last edited by SkillDude on Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:18 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Plugin Request Thread

Post by SkillDude »

mahem1 has told me via Private Message that the VIP plugin is now approved.

This concludes development of the VIP plugin, however I am waiting for whoever needs a plugin next!

One more thing I would like to mention, as it was one of mahem1's requests is that there is no way to auto-hunt players. In fact, other players have suggested more flexible ways to control hunting previously. Perhaps this will be implemented in the future, or someone will need to go in and make the code modifications themselves. The only clever work around right now is the TeamFlagHighlight plugin/functions I made, that moves team flags at the exact locations of certain specified players, so you end up with colored arrows on them. that is about the best it gets right now.

I also made a few mistakes on this plugin admittedly, but they have all been corrected now, and a hotfix has been made and posted/updated in the previous post I have made. Anyone is free to use the plugin, and the game style is pretty interesting! While not intuitive, you can start to get an idea of who the VIP is on the field by watching the death scores of players and then determining who still needs to be killed, or watching the behaviors of other players. If the VIP keeps getting hit, they'll start staying back more (usually), which could clue you in that your team could win if they focus fired. There are some flaws to the plugin's gameplay, but I am sure no one would abuse them...Heh...Maybe.

So, whatever plugin someone wants next, I'll be here.
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Re: Plugin Request Thread

Post by optic delusion »

I have been through three mutations of "progressive flag mode".
The last one was pretty good, the only problem was lost or late packets might occasionally cause zapped flags to not reach their intended destination.
If you would like to take another stab at it I would like to talk to you on IRC, because I have two or three different possibilities and we'd have to decide which is best.
Take a look at my Defender game mode concept.

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Re: Plugin Request Thread

Post by DeltaFlame »

Plugin title: Custom Flags
Plugin Purpose: to allow new flags to be introduced into the game (see details for which flags im wanting)
Plugin Details: this plugin should be able to introduce the following flags into the game
Circumference (CI): insted of shooting 1 shot the tank that has this flag shoots 8 shots at anges of 45 degrees
Circumference Spray (CS): insted of firing 8 shots like circumference it fires 16 shots at angles of 22.5 degrees (correct to 45/2 if my maths* is wrong)
Quintruple Barrel (QB): fires 5 shots at angles of 7.5 degrees
Fish Eyes (FE): Forces the tank to use Binoculars (bad flag)
Ghost (GH) stealth and cloaking together but can be shot by guided missile (you dont have to do this one if you a) this cant be done b) think that it is a too good flag or c) youre just too lazy to do this)
Piercing Shot (PS) when a shot has hit and killed a tank the shot doesnt stop but keeps going (in other words you can get two kills with one shot)
if youd like to add flag ideas then go ahead you may
public: yeah why not

this is the plugin that i am requesting when finished could you please send me a pm with the plugin attatched

*ok im english and i say maths just plz dont point this out as i already know
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Re: Plugin Request Thread

Post by blast »

Magick wrote:Plugin title: Custom Flags
Plugin Purpose: to allow new flags to be introduced into the game (see details for which flags im wanting)
Plugin Details: this plugin should be able to introduce the following flags into the game
Circumference (CI): insted of shooting 1 shot the tank that has this flag shoots 8 shots at anges of 45 degrees
Circumference Spray (CS): insted of firing 8 shots like circumference it fires 16 shots at angles of 22.5 degrees (correct to 45/2 if my maths* is wrong)
Quintruple Barrel (QB): fires 5 shots at angles of 7.5 degrees
Fish Eyes (FE): Forces the tank to use Binoculars (bad flag)
Ghost (GH) stealth and cloaking together but can be shot by guided missile (you dont have to do this one if you a) this cant be done b) think that it is a too good flag or c) youre just too lazy to do this)
Piercing Shot (PS) when a shot has hit and killed a tank the shot doesnt stop but keeps going (in other words you can get two kills with one shot)
if youd like to add flag ideas then go ahead you may
public: yeah why not

this is the plugin that i am requesting when finished could you please send me a pm with the plugin attatched

*ok im english and i say maths just plz dont point this out as i already know
Fish Eyes, Ghost, and Piercing Shot are not possible. Piercing Shot sounds like laser anyway. As for the others, I'm thinking there is a world weapon shot limit, and you might start hitting that with those other flags on a server. The WorldWeapons.h file in bzfs defines _MAX_WORLD_SHOTS as 30.
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Re: Plugin Request Thread

Post by SkillDude »

Plugin Custom Flags has been requested and added to the queue.

Plugin will be released publicly.
-Plugin will contain the abilities of 4 custom designed flags, listed below:
  • Circumference (CI): Shoots 7 extra shots around the player with 45 degrees separation.
  • Circumference Spray (CS): Shoots 15 extra shots around the player with 22.5 degrees separation.
  • Quintruple Barrel (QB): Fires 4 extra shots around the player, 2 shot left of the main shot, 2 shot right of the main shot fired at 7.5 degrees of angle separation.
  • Piercing Shot (PS): When a shot has killed a tank, it will continue to exist and kill other tanks that run into it until its life time has expired.
-Assumption Made Reward the player that kills with the extra shots. This is a fairly standard given, but you did not mention it, so I clarified.
-Denied Request Fish Eyes flag due to impossibility to change viewing lens size.
-Denied Request Ghost flag due to impossibility to have players with multiple flag properties and requiring client modifications.
-NOTICE Due to the number of bullets requested, the number of world weapon shots will have to be modified in order for the custom flags to function properly. By default, WorldWeapons.h defines _MAX_WORLD_SHOTS as 30 in the bzfs source code. For maximum satisfaction, anyone who uses this plugin is highly suggested to up this value. Note that doing so has the immediate consequences of more data being transferred and a possibility for clients to lag due to the large number of bullets.

Expected completion date should be June 26th, approximately 12 hours from this post.

The plugin will be posted here and sent to you via PM when it is complete.

I have summarized all details and functionality of the plugin as I have seen it to clarify I understood everything you requested. If you find an error or modification necessary, feel free to reply or update. I will check back frequently to make sure anything you need is also included.
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Re: Plugin Request Thread

Post by DeltaFlame »

Thanks for the help
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Re: Plugin Request Thread

Post by I_Died_Once »

Hows about a plugin that will restore your score if it was positive when you last left. If it was negative, its ignored and nothing is done, you come back with zero. Would encourage people to switch teams in CTF, or just to return in general.
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Re: Plugin Request Thread

Post by I_Died_Once »

Snake Shot - bullets travel in an "S" motion, from the rejected flag list.
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Re: Plugin Request Thread

Post by SkillDude »

I_Died_Once wrote:Hows about a plugin that will restore your score if it was positive when you last left. If it was negative, its ignored and nothing is done, you come back with zero. Would encourage people to switch teams in CTF, or just to return in general.
Plugin Restore Score has been requested and added to the queue.

Assumption Made Plugin was not declared public or private and will be sent to you privately via PM upon completion.
Assumption Made Plugin will store its database of scores inside a file and read from that file.
Assumption Made A slash command /score check callsign will be added to check any player's stored score at a given time.
Assumption Made A slash command /score flush [callsign] to remove all scores if a callsign is not specified, or only a specific stored score for the player of callsign callsign.
Assumption Made The /score flush [callsign] command will only be usable by users who have the SCOREMOD permission.

Expected completion date should be June 26th, approximately 18 hours from this post.

The plugin will be sent to you via PM when it is complete.

I_Died_Once wrote:Snake Shot - bullets travel in an "S" motion, from the rejected flag list.
Plugin Snake Shots has been requested and added to the queue.

Assumption Made Plugin was not declared public or private and will be sent to you privately via PM upon completion.
Assumption Made A slash command /snake width # will be added to allow for the configuration of how wide the snaking path actually is. The speed at which the snaking occurs is based on _shotSpeed.
Assumption Made A slash command /snake oscillate # will be added to allow for the configuration of how fast the "period" or oscillation back and forth of the snaking motion is.
Assumption Made The slash commands can only be executed when users are given the SNAKEMOD permission.
Assumption Made Reward the player that kills with the snaking shots. This is a fairly standard given, but you did not mention it, so I clarified.

Expected completion date should be June 26th, approximately 5 hours from this post.

The plugin will be sent to you via PM when it is complete.

I have summarized all details and functionality of the plugins as I have seen them to clarify I understood everything you requested. If you find an error or modification necessary, feel free to reply or update. I will check back frequently to make sure anything you need is also included.
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Re: Plugin Request Thread

Post by SkillDude »

I_Died_Once, one of your plugins has been completed as requested and below is the results:

The plugin Snake Shots has been completed as requested and has been sent to you privately, along with details on what features are in it.

In addition, I decided to include two videos of what it looks like as the Snake Shot was a pretty cool idea.

This first one uses the default settings.

We went with a wilder version afterward just to see how hectic things could get.

Definitely a crazy flag.

Note that because of the way this was designed, the bullets will go through everything. If you wish, you may further append a request to allow the creation of a map object for "zones" that the bullets will disappear if they enter it, essentially creating blockades. But if you do not mind this little caveat to the plugin, then I hope you enjoy it. I'll probably put up some map myself with the flag featured just for fun.

Plugin Snake Shots waiting for approval.

Other two plugins in my queue are still being worked on of course.
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Re: Plugin Request Thread

Post by JeffM »

If you are going to develop closed source plugins it would probably be best for you to use your own forums.

I would recommend you do that anyway, this thread is going to get very long and very confusing very fast. You can have a link to your site here in this forum, but I would recommend you do the development in your own. Then you can have a thread per plugin.
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Re: Plugin Request Thread

Post by DeltaFlame »

isnt snake shot bad depending on the frequency of when it snakes for example it could lower accuracy
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Re: Plugin Request Thread

Post by I_Died_Once »

I wanna amend my original requests... I want 'em all to be public!

Maybe an update to Snake Shots that would remove the regular bullet and only fire the "snake shot" - perhaps make it an option? - and all settings for snake shot to use the regular syntax with
/set _ssWidth #
/set _ssOscillate #

Also, since the snake shot acts as a "super bullet" of sorts, can you make is utilize the SB shot? To explain without exaplaining why and how it travels through walls...?

Other than that, excellent plugin. Great work! Thanks a lot!
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Re: Plugin Request Thread

Post by DeltaFlame »

What bugs are on my custom flag plugin because it says debugging and has fora long time
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Re: Plugin Request Thread

Post by SkillDude »

I_Died_Once, two of your plugins have been completed as requested and below are the results:

The plugin Snake Shots has been updated as requested and is attached to this post.

Snake Shots is now controlled with three variables:
_ssWidth #
_ssOscillate #
_ssLagCompensation #

_ssLagCompensation was added to control how far away from the player the initial bullets appear as to prevent players from self-killing. The default value is 20 and I found that to be a pretty good number to use. In addition, we cannot remove the bullet that the players shoot, but we can phantom zone it, so we did. The regular shots coming out of the tank are zoned. However, they are not zoned for the person shooting them, only for everyone else. This may end up looking weird, if you preferred the original behavior, let me know! Finally, the SS bullets that snake are now SB so they don't bounce crazy and confuse people!

Plugin Snake Shots waiting for approval.

The plugin Restore Score has been completed as requested and is attached to this post. Below are the results:

The slash commands were added in. For the callsign arguments, you just input the name as is, no need for quotation marks. To clarify, the plugin will save the player's score data if they have a positive score upon leaving. Any negative scores are discarded, and if their score goes from positive to negative during a session, it is removed as well. Simple enough. The SCOREMOD permission is required to flush scores, anyone can check users' scores with the /score check command.

Plugin Restore Score waiting for approval.

Magick, one of your plugins has been completed as requested and below is the results:

The plugin Custom Flags has been completed as requested and is attached to this post. Below are the results:

The four flags, CI, CS, QB, and PS have been added to your arsenal of flags. The plugin also includes one plugin variable, which is _bulletLagCompensation. The default value for this server variable is 20. I found that to be the best number to use. It determines how far away bullets spawn to prevent self killing. The flags work as expected, and I hope you find them useful.

Plugin Custom Flags waiting for approval.

For both of you, let me know if there are any revisions or corrections that are necessary to your plugins, I am always willing to make them to satisfy your needs.

I may host any / all plugins on a server of mine in the near future if I so choose to.

My Queue has been cleared up! Anyone that wants plugins done, I am completely free to do anything you wish! Just let me know by replying!

[EDIT] Fix flag abbreviation typo as noted by Sniper752.
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Last edited by SkillDude on Thu Jun 28, 2012 3:55 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Plugin Request Thread

Post by Sniper752 »

Something I noticed in relation to the CustomFlags plugin:
You may want to find a different abbreviation for the Circumference (CI) which looks just like the Cloaking (Cl) abbreviation perhaps CC? Also, in your first post about the CF.cpp, you mentioned that the Circumference spray would be abbreviated as CS but in your release post, it said CB, which is Color-Blindness
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Re: Plugin Request Thread

Post by DeltaFlame »

Thank you sig
i might use the plugins that I_Died_Once asked for because now that ive seen it snake shot isnt too bad

actually i am having some problems as ive just tried to load the plugin an a pop up came up saying that it either contains an error or cant run on windows
what is going on?
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Re: Plugin Request Thread

Post by SkillDude »

Please do not use this thread as a place to ask questions about usage, those are in my big DO NOT section of my first post. The plugin has compiled cleanly without issues and loads on both a tested linux and windows environment, so clearly there is nothing wrong with it.

You violated two of the things I said not to ask about:
-How to load plugins for your specific OS
-How to load plugins into your map

If you would like, take it up with me via private message or start a new topic, or just search threads and the wiki for answers. You also should provide more detail if you do contact me externally or ask on the forum, because simply saying "there's an error" or "it doesn't work" doesn't tell us anything. What I am also saying is, if you give the plugin to any server host who knows what they are doing, they'd be able to load the plugin up just fine.
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Re: Plugin Request Thread

Post by JeffM »

I would recommend you make a thread per plugin, and have people make a new thread for each request. Then it is less cluttered, and other people could possibly accept the request and make them too.
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Map Zones

Post by MG Balloon »

Plugin Title: Map Zones

Plugin Purpose: Display special messages when players go in certain areas of the map.

Plugin Details: The plugin will accept a map object called "CTFSniper" which will have the following parameters: position, size, rotation, message. The position, size, and rotation parameters should all follow the same properties as they are used for default BZ objects. message allows for a defined message. If none is specified, an error should occur and bzfs should not load the plugin until it is fixed. Once The PlayerEnteres The Zone the message should only occur again if the player completely leaves the zone and then re enters the zone. The plugin should parse the message so that if the user specifies a message over 70 characters long, it will automatically be spliced into individual messages. The plugin should recognize players by the BZID when possible. ( But Since only registered players have a BZID, Try To Let It Recognize By Callsign)

*EDIT* : I want 2 messages to be sent. One to the player privately, and one in public.

Public: No

Thanks Sigonasr2
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Re: Plugin Request Thread

Post by Sniper752 »

Plugin Title: Capture the Base

Plugin Purpose: to make the Capture the Base play style work similar the the KotH play style

Plugin Description: This plugin will require a map object to define base zones (similar to the KotH zone (3 dimensions). When a player enters another teams base, the message "Base Invaded" will be sent to the players of the team who's base is occupied. The message "Holding *Team Color* Base" will appear to the team who is occupying the other teams base. After a set amount of time (set by "/holdTime") the team who's base is held is killed. An optional shockwave (toggled by "/capSW") will be fired when the base is captured to kill the occupant. When a player enters his own base zone, he should not set a timer to kill his team.

Public: yes

I apologize if I have not provided sufficient details. If there is anything that needs to be clarified, let me know.
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