Zombies vs Humans map version idea

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Zombies vs Humans map version idea

Post by Bountty_Hunter »

I was unsure where to post it... so as always, go ahead and move it if its in the wrong place.

Anyway, I have an idea for a possible version of the Zombies vs Humans map. First off, that map is a huge hit and I love it! Great job to all you who worked on it. Just a few bugs and some slight enhancements and it literally is one of the best maps ever!! :D

But I just came up with an idea for a possible different version. I would still want the original version that's out now.. this would just be a different one but just some few changes. Anyway.. what about making a Zombies vs Humans but with no re-spawning! So if you die from your enemy, you can't re-spawn. You just go into obs mode. Example: The way its played now is if your a human and you get killed by a zombie you switch to zombie(green) and can re-spawn and go kill humans. But with the no re-spawning you wouldn't switch teams. If you are human and get killed by a zombie, you just switch to observer mode. Then you can watch the game in the observer mode until all one team has died. Like once all the humans get killed by the zombies, then the zombies win and a new match starts.

I think this would be really fun to play. It would boost the intense and the need for skill. Because now, its not a big deal if you die because you can just go kill. But if you die with this no re-spawning..then you will be much more scared and tense about being killed...therefore you will need much skill. ;D To me, this sounds like a fun idea.

When I was sharing this idea to someone else... they said it would be okay, but hard to keep everyone in the observation mode while the game still goes on. And people may leave out of boredom. Well, then I thought why don't you let the people who died play by themselves and have a little free for all while the real game is still going on.

What I mean by having another match while the real game is going on... is just like have a platform say like 3000 feet high and out of the way of the real game. Then, instead of dying and going to obs.. you can have the option to either stay in obs or go play on this platform. This platform would be simple and a FFA with just some objects to play around. That way people won't be so bored and can always play, yet the real game continues below. Then after the real game has ended, all will die and a new match will begin.

I know this would be hard to do... but I figure with all the smart brains, we can figure it out. (most likely you, since i don't know anything ;P) This is just an idea though.
I'm no louman...but I do enjoy making maps and trying new things. If you got a good map idea, I can create it! :) Also, since I am always coming out with maps...I do need a hoster. I don't have money so if you can host my maps for free, please private message me!
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Re: Zombies vs Humans map version idea

Post by mrapple »

To complicated. Sure its possible and code-able, but, when people join the server to play "Zombies vs Humans", let them play.

The reason the map is called "Zombies vs. Humans" is because that is what it is. It's not called "Zombies vs. Humans ::: And a Little FFA" or "Zombies vs. Humans ::: Last Tank Standing", its just "Zombies vs. Humans".

I appreciate your feedback, but overall, not going to happen unless someone takes the current source and codes it themselves.
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Re: Zombies vs Humans map version idea

Post by Bountty_Hunter »

Alright, well it was just a suggestion. The game is really great though. Nice work!
I'm no louman...but I do enjoy making maps and trying new things. If you got a good map idea, I can create it! :) Also, since I am always coming out with maps...I do need a hoster. I don't have money so if you can host my maps for free, please private message me!
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Re: Zombies vs Humans map version idea

Post by Cobra_Fast »

I'd really like to see this idea, although it might take a lot of workt to get this result.
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Re: Zombies vs Humans map version idea

Post by joevano »

This would hardly be Humans Vs Zombies though. It would be "Last team standing" . Humans vs zombies is an ebb and flow game and very dynamic. This game mode would be "die and wait" and that just doesn't seem like it would hold anyones attention. Yes, you may be playing a meaningless FFA waiting, but to what end? Score? Well that would be pointless as you would be sucked back in to the next game. It just is not very appealing once you start thinking it through.
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Re: Zombies vs Humans map version idea

Post by Hermes »

i think you should
A) keep respawn-after-death
B) instead of haveing a waiting period after each map have a bonus level*
*everyone is rouge doing ffa thru the countdown(or while waiting for more ppl)
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