Mid-air fighting help

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Mid-air fighting help

Post by Megaleg11 »

On Servers where the priority is to fly and try to shoot opponents down, I just have bad timing, aim and dodging. I need help! :( :( :(
Tank 52
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Post by Tank 52 »

It depends,if the server has vertical velocity(shots go up when u go up and down when you go down) when enemy is above you jump once so they won't hit you and shoot so your shots go up and hit them,and when below you,go down so your shots go down and hit them but make sure they're falling not jumping when u do the down shot thing or they'll hit you,if no vertical velocity,you can attack from far away and either jump above there shots or surprise them and do an air dodge,just dodge there bullets while in the air and then shoot them.You can also get close and jump and shoot a bunch of shots at them then keep jumping and avoid their shots,kind of a surprise attack..
Of course those tips depend on the number of jumps you get,a few places to use those are at mofo and the battle of maine..
When at a limit on the number of jumps you get,make sure that if the opponent is in the air and your close to the ground,try landing then jumping back up to attack so you have more jumps then the other guy,other then that it's kind of the same
Try to look unimportant,they may be low on ammo
Teamwork is essential,it gives them other people to shoot at.
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Post by TheOneAndOnly »

i agree, it does depend on vertical celocity, but if that is not on:
1. Try to shoot where you think the person you are up against is going to go, what i do, and if they're noobie then they'll fall into the trap!!

2. try not to do spray shots on servers with more than 10 shots (e.g. firing lots of shots on a specific place) this will NOT work, unless the person you are against has run out of jumps!. usually, all of these shots miss so avoid doing that.

3. don't hold enter, especially on a server with let's say 5 jumps untill you have to go back down to the ground again, otherwise you will fall, and have no jumps left, and most probably will get shot down by the other person.

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Post by macsforme »

If you just started playing, don't expect to acquire skills super-quickly. Some of these players have been at it for years. Asking for technique help is a good idea, but make sure your expectations are realistic.
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Post by Enigma »

Nothing beats practice :!:
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Post by Megaleg11 »

Thanks for the tips guys! I now practice on Wings Servers to get good!
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Post by 0BullzEye0 »

well...... your talking to a pro right here :D all you have to do is learn on each server how the shots move ,how you move timing and basically if they are shooting straight at you get out of their sight .and get the higher advantage, but if you have lower advantage.come up from under them and scare them works all the time and dont forget manuvering.usually for mid air fighting you have to make sure they dont know what you are doing.
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Post by IZboy »

A little boastful there Hannibol. ;)

If you're playing on a server without vertical velocity, and it has a jump limit then:

Get lower advantage, and shoot under them whenever they're coming down. That forces them to jump again, and soon their jumps are waisted, and it makes it much harder for them to dodge. Then, you can pick them off as they land. Just like any other tank who had jumped and is landing Make sure you are landing in between so you don't run out of jump when they do.
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Post by Quantum Tank »

I just have one thing to add:

Don't forget, with wings you can move side to side as well. I have seen countless people defeated just because they only move up and down in a vertical column. If there are lots of jumps, dodging side to side can make you almost impossible to hit at everything but very close range.
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Post by blast »

Quantum Tank wrote:I just have one thing to add:

Don't forget, with wings you can move side to side as well. I have seen countless people defeated just because they only move up and down in a vertical column. If there are lots of jumps, dodging side to side can make you almost impossible to hit at everything but very close range.
Sideways movement is only possible of the server owner or map author set it that way. By default, there is no momentum with wings, which is what would allow sideways movement.
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Post by Quantum Tank »

Sorry, I meant dodging side to side, as in turning your tank and driving forward (like how you would dodge on the ground).
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Post by Cpl Foggy Dewhurst »

I, too, am rubbish at jumping. I hate jumping, I try to avoid it at all costs because I know... if I jump, I do. I usually just stay firmly on the ground, let them jump and fire a spray of bullets as they come down and hope one of them hits them.
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Post by yosef »

"Beth", from Hills without radar map (or something like that), told me once to shoot for the flag in wing flights. Not sure what that means, but hope it helps. :idea:
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Post by Zac »

if its on a multi level server with horizontal shots only, then try and find a place of highr ground keeping them in sight so that they have to jump to you. and then you jumo up and shoot tat them and they have to jump again so you jump again and keep shooting and then they have to jump again and so on, until they run out of jumpsand because your below them the whole time then when they fall you hit them, hope i explained that well enough.

although you must take into consideration that they can move around
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Post by Bambino »

What I do is when I get wings i always do /set and look at the jump count and plan my attack. If I am against wings I sit count and wait for them to land then I shoot before they land (like with laser) or I just GM them. :D
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